I badly need professional help. My parents should have noticed this since I was young. I hate them for lacking this knowledge. I hate my narrow minded culture regarding mental health.
I know that my condition is hereditary. Im not saying that I was born to have it but I know that my genes is prone to having SA or AVPD. I got it from my dad's lineage. My grandfather is known to be socially shy, my dad is the same too. I don't know about my grandpa but I see that my dad is able to function fairly well. Despite his aloofness, he knows how to interact with people when needed, he is able to host a party, he knows how to be assertive. I'm thinking that maybe it helped that he is a male because it's more acceptable for them to be silent.
I think being female, which is genetically more emotional, made that part of my father's genes worse. Maybe bad parenting also caused it.
When I was very young, my family loves teasing me and making me jealous about my younger sister. They often joke that 'my sister is more adorable and love her more than me' so I would start having tantrums then they'll start laughing. I know now that their intention is just for entertainment and maybe they find me cute when I get jealous but my young brain didn't understand it that time especially that they've done it fairly often.
When I was in elementary I became a bratty, spoiled kid. I often bully my sister and I was so short tempered when she makes mistakes. I even physically hurt her like pinching or slapping her or say verbally abusive words.
My sister never fought back coz she's scared and she's naturally good hearted. Because of that, my mom often spank me terribly.
Now, I'm trying to understand her why she did it, but that time, spanking is kind of acceptable for disciplining a child. I never thought that she was becoming abusive. I just realized the extent of her punishment when I was older and my grandma told me that she threatened my mom to call the police if she sees me with bruises next time.
Don't get me wrong, I know my mom loved me. I just felt that she has a short temper when it comes to me because I was stubborn, shows hostility and even speaks back sometimes. I know if I see that kind of child, I would also get so mad. I'm not justifying what my mom did. But I understand her because I also have a short temper when it comes to very naughty kids.
I also behaved badly to my older relatives and cousins that I started to have this bad reputation. I'm pointed out as the bad daughter, niece or cousin. I've always been selfish to my sister. When there's a new toy, I always want to get the nicer ones. I'm often lectured for being mean to my her but I couldn't help it.
When I come to think of it, maybe I became like that because of how they treated me. They've taught me to be jealous to my sister so I grew up hating her so much and being hostile to them. And because they hate me, I started hating myself too.
When I started schooling, I was the exact opposite of myself. I was so quiet, self conscious and scared of my teachers. I always feel like peeing but too afraid to ask permission so I pee on my chair instead which only added to my shame. The nice thing is that my classmates were all nice. I couldn't remember them teasing me about peeing in class.
From first grade to 3rd grade I was social. I was still the goody goody, shy and quiet student in class but I can't say I was socially awkward. Actually I just acted that way because I want to be an ideal student and loved by my teachers for being obedient. But I sometimes had the urge to goof around like my other classmates. I enjoyed break time so much because I get to play with my friends and classmates. I even danced in front of the class during events.
Oh and then there's one annoying memory of my mom. I practiced dancing in front of her and she laughed at me like she felt embarrassed of my performance. She even said "maybe you shouldn't perform in class since you really look silly" in the most gentle manner. Maybe I did look silly but I was a kid, gosh, she should've encouraged me.
Anyway, even before the dancing thingy, maybe when I was in Grade 1 or 2, I've showed her my singing skills. I tried imitating her favourite singer and she made fun of me, she even ask me to sing to my other relatives so they could 'witness' how funny I was. That's very nice of my mom.
In grade 4, I was still social but more self conscious than before. I guess that was normal since that's the time when students start having crushes and noticing the opposite sex. And yes, I still danced in class that time.
But there's one time when this girl classmate made fun of me. I don't know what made her think of doing it but she suddenly commanded me to 'tie her shoelace' and then I hesitatingly frikkin did it! And then one classmate who saw me do it said "Why did you follow her, silly?" And then the bossy girl laughed at me like she expected me do it.
That's the time when I realized that I'm such a pushover and too nice. I felt so pissed at that girl and more pissed at myself for acting like a slave. The bossy girl was the smartest in our class and maybe she sensed my 'too eager to please others' self.
Now, I realized that I was really too nice, it's like I wanted to be the perfect and loveable person in school. Maybe because I couldn't get that good reputation in my house. I remember that I tried to be nicer at home but whenever I do it, they act so amazed and make a big deal out of it which made me feel so embarassed. Like one time, my mom cooked boiled egg and instead of immediately grabbing the biggest egg, I stopped and asked my sister to choose which one she likes. My mom acted like 'Halleluiaj praise the Lord. It's a miracle'. Maybe she's just happy but it embarassed me, like she's insinuating that I was really that hopeless and a miracle happened. I was never good in receiving compliments so I stopped acting 'obviously' kind to my sister.
During summer before I turn grade 5, I joined summer bible classes. I have this older teen guy whom I treat as older brother. I've always wanted to have an older siblings because I hated it when my parents blamed me for petty things that my younger sister did. So it felt nice to have this 'Big bro neighbor'. He was my childhood playmate so I've been comfortable to him ever since. Whenever I have a tantrum, he never fails to calm me down.
Then one time after the bible class, this big bro asked me to help him find his radio. I was 10 that time or maybe 11? And he was 14. I remember that I got confused why he needs help to find a radio. it's not too small and their house isn't big too. Another thing is one gay friend asked to join in the searching but big bro told him not to. Anyway, I had a weird feeling about it but my eagerness to help this guy won.
And upon entering the room, I saw the radio and said "I found it". Then he hugged and tried to kiss me like tongue-saliva kiss although he wasn't able to touch my lips coz I shook my head. He laid me down and hugged me. I couldn't remember him touching the other sensitive area but maybe he also knows that what he's doing is wrong. Then I escaped and ran home and told my parents what happened and of course they called the police. Since he was a minor and I wasn't raped, although I was clearly molested, a formal complaint was made and the issue was resolved eventually.
Everything looked fine after that but psychologically, everything in me changed. Until now I am blaming myself for what happened. If I only followed my gut feeling that wouldn't happen to me. What makes it worse is that rumors were saying that I was raped, or I asked for it since I went with him in the first place, and I flirted with him.
I became untrusting with men even male relatives. I was still 11 when a male cousin who's like 28 years old, sat me on his lap like he used to do, I still obliged but I didn't sit well and I felt so uncomfortable.
When i started schooling in Grade 5, I don't know if it's because it was a part of growing up or because of what happened, or maybe both... but that's when I started to become a loner and way too self conscious. Then there's this one girl who often picks on me, I don't know why but I felt like she's just jealous, but it affected me anyway.
One time, there's this guy classmate who had a crush on me. I also have a crush on him too. But when he started to be showy and announced it in class, I don't know but I just hated him. I was so mean that I stood up in class and shouted "I don't like him!'... so I made the poor guy cry. i felt guilty but pissed at him at the same time.
Then I started having guy phone pals and admirers in highschool. I always entertain them but I secretly want to gag whenever they patronise me. When i have a crush, I do my best not to show it to that person because I don't want him to take advantage of me, I don't want others to tease me, and I don't want him to like me back. I know it's weird but whenever a guy starts using affectionate words to me like "Have you eaten?" "You're pretty" "I want to see you"... I feel like stabbing that person and I lose my respect to him.
I want guys to notice me and go gaga on me but when they start taking actions, I push them away and ever ridicule them.
Anyway, I wont tell much about my highschool life but I think Grade 5 was the start of my worsening SA. But I'm saying that since I was a child, I already have this vulnerability. I've always been shy. But maybe if I grew up feeling accepted at home, maybe if that guy didn't betray my trust.. I wouldn't be this freak of a person.
Maybe I wouldn't feel too defensive whenever I make mistakes, maybe I wouldn't be too calculating when others especially guys try to be friendly with me, maybe I wouldn't feel so ashamed of myself, maybe I would be a little more trusting.
And that is why I am still amazed how my boyfriend won me over.

But that's a different story and I have mentioned it a long time ago in this journal.
Maybe you're surprised with my confession if you've managed to read this lengthy entry :bigsmile:. But I wanted to say that the way I've been brought up has a great contribution to what I am now. When i become a parent, I'll just try to do better.
The best thing is me and my sister became best friends. I can't remember when it started, maybe in college? Actually, I've been spoiling her since and even became too protective at times like when a friend fight her, I ended up meddling and fighting back. (I try not to do it anymore)
That's the story of my life. I've been crying writing this but I feel much much better now