the "whatever" journal


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just a thought:

and one more thing. my avpd is the main reason why i still wont attend any party involving my boyfriend's family because my mind already thinks that they wont like me, that my weird aura will show, and i would only reveal my social incapacity so up to these days i am still the mystery girl friend and my boyfriend is still frustrated about it but he is trying to understand me. i really cant picture myself meeting his family ever. especially his mom. she didnt do anything to me. but i feel like, if they do criticize or reject me, i think im going to die and my self esteem will go rock bottom. so basically, i am trying to protect myself. and what made it worse is because my bf's exes were all pretty extrovert confident girls, so i am afraid that they'll compare me, which im sure normally happens. how will i show my ugly face and timid character? no way! oh yeah, maybe on our wedding night. but they wont have any choice but accept me on that day anyway.


Well-known member
i thought i wouldnt visit this site again but today i badly want to release my anxiety.

just the same old me, worrying about petty things for no major reason at all.

today, i am planning to go shopping for clothes, accessories, shoes etc. because tomorrow there will be a seminar and i have no idea what to wear. i only have the usual jeans and shirt and i can't go tom. like that. i am super anxious because i dont know if i'll find something that i would like. now this worry is starting to build inside me because now im getting nervous with the sales staffs, i feel like im super ugly no matter how i make my self presentable, im starting to see all my flaws like my dark under eye circles even if i've appled tint on it, my underarm, my hair, my face in general, the way i walk, everything looks wrong.

the scorching heat is not helping at all. i broke my sunglasses which is my only salvation when i feel jittery like this. i hate this feeling. and the worse is i'll spending heaps of money just to relieve this anxiety. i feel guilty but i feel like i really really have to spend something for myself or i'll die with more anxiety if i dont look fine tomorrow.


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for some weird reason i acted more confident that time when i was feeling nervous, like the post i mentioned above. i just noticed because my voice was more cheerful and louder while talking to the sales ladies. but the following day, i didn't expect it but I acted so nervous at work and i hate it!!! what the hell is happening to me!


Well-known member
no matter how many things i attempt to delete this account, i can't because i know that i'll keep coming back here when I feel sh!t again.

Anyway, my latest vent is that I'm starting to get anxious at work again. To the extent that I want to do a sickie today. I've been reading lots of 'how to calm anxiety' ,,,'Don't take life so seriously' ... 'Don't give a fck" ... 'We'll all die anyway'... articles and quotes but they only give me a temporary relief.

So why am I anxious? I don't really know. It's like my mind just wants to get anxious for any reasons. Like yesterday, I was anxious because I'll be working with a former partner whom I'm not really comfortable with. Now I'm anxious because I'll be working with a new partner who's also nice as the latter but I'm not comfortable with. And I'm so fed up feeling this sh!t that I just want to not work today. But it's weekend and it's such a waste of money. But I'm drowning of stress now. I don't know what to do. My mind tells me to just go and get over it. But my emotion is telling me to stop and hide in this room. I'm having this inner battle again.

I'm still pondering what would go wrong. Why am I so anxious? Nothing would go really wrong. I'll just look stupid and scared and silly and weird and incompetent, that's all. Why am I anxious? Because I'm afraid that the worst things will happen.
Why should I not care about what they're thinking? Because we're all creatures in this planet and no matter what happens we'll all die anyway and that simple embarrassing event will just fade in time and won't even matter at all.
Yeah! I have to think that way to justify that my future stupidity wouldn't be a big deal ever. I am that pathetic.


Well-known member
call me crazy but I just called sickie. :(

if i want to be honest. i think i know what is really making me anxious and this break is a big help. i think. :crying:

i just feel bad because i have to lie to my honey. maybe not lie but the act of omission. like i wont tell him that i didnt go to work today. and this makes me feel so guilty because im not being honest to him. but how would i explain this? i know he wont get really mad at me but he'll lecture me for not managing my emotions well. by wasting my weekend work despite the fact that i need to save lotsa money. that i just started work yesterday after a 4 days break then I'll call sickie. that he'll call me lazy. that i need to act more responsible. and i wont stand that look of disappointment when we talk online.

usually, i'm fine with his 'fatherly' attitude, i even feel lucky coz i really need that nudging sometimes. but i'm not ready for it right now. :(
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Well-known member
i'm coming quite frequently here these days. and this is bad. coz it means my anxiety is acting up again. and yes, im anxious today. so anxious. it seems that im getting anxious everytime i have to go to work. again im trying to reason out to myself, that there's nothing to worry about. but this anxiety is still persisting. i want to cry. i want to seek professional help. i think i badly need one now. i have accepted that i'll never ever handle this by myself. never.

im trying to distract myself. im trying to play games, watch films, surf the net, but i couldnt enjoy it because im feeling this impending doom that soon i'll have to prepare for work.

I dont wanna meet my colleagues. they didnt do anything bad to me. and i've experienced lots of bitchiness at work before but i didnt feel this way. im getting sick of this anxiety. im gonna be sick. but i have to face this. i cant stay all the time in my room. i have to earn for a living. im doomed.


Well-known member
I'm sorry you feel this way. ::(: Yes, seeing a professional might be a really good idea because you don't want to spiral into a pit of anxiety and have to quit your job because of it. You can get out of it - I know it. :)


Well-known member
But see, professional help needs money and time. And I can't hassle myself to do the searching. Plus, I'm in a foreign country so I am more scared in giving trust to these professionals, much more in approaching them.

One more thing, even if my condition is obvious, I'm scared to let people know that I have this because I feel like it will only make me vulnerable and an easy target to power trippers. Although I know that they won't know if I don't tell them, but still I'm anxious about that idea.

But seriously, I want to get diagnosed. I want to know what I really have. Sometimes I feel like maybe I have ADD or SA, or AVPD, or is there a combination? lol

Anyway, I feel quite better now. I'm still going to work but my anxiety lessened a bit. Maybe because I've worked yesterday and it turned out ok so my mind is kind'a relieved now too. But it's like a roller coaster ride, I know I'll get this anxiety attack again.

Well, thanks for the responses guys. I didn't expect that people are still reading this.


Well-known member
One more thing, even if my condition is obvious, I'm scared to let people know that I have this because I feel like it will only make me vulnerable and an easy target to power trippers.
Who do you mean specifically?

But seriously, I want to get diagnosed. I want to know what I really have. Sometimes I feel like maybe I have ADD or SA, or AVPD, or is there a combination? lol
A good reason to go see someone. You said you don't want to put your trust in someone in a foreign country, but you have to take a risk. It's hard to jump in, but it can be done!


Well-known member
Who do you mean specifically?

A good reason to go see someone. You said you don't want to put your trust in someone in a foreign country, but you have to take a risk. It's hard to jump in, but it can be done!

What I mean is people in general. I feel like when I finally confirm my condition, there might come a time that they will know that I'm seeing the doctor, especially in my workplace and I would just die if they either look at me with sympathy or I become more prone to bullying.

Since they don't know that I have an anxiety problem, I can still pretend to be strong. But if they learn my weakness, people might get advantage of me especially in the workplace. Even if I manage to fight back, they'll persist because they know I have anxiety and they would win.

If only I can have the assurance that it will be strictly confidential, maybe I'll try. But just searching for doctors online, it scares me just the idea of contacting some stranger. I know I should take a risk. But the fact that I have the 'confidentiality' issue to worry about doesn't help either.


Well-known member
What I mean is people in general. I feel like when I finally confirm my condition, there might come a time that they will know that I'm seeing the doctor, especially in my workplace and I would just die if they either look at me with sympathy or I become more prone to bullying.
The former may happen, but if the latter happens, then that is a really, really, really, really, really awful working environment.


Well-known member
That's it! I don't wanna work with people anymore! Ever since, I know that I prefer working with computers or papers or anything not related to human beings at all! I'm tired of adjusting. I'm tired of saying Hello if I don't really feel like to. I'm tired of smiling or laughing or saying nonsense words just to respond or appear friendly to people. I'm tired of this society which is forcing me NOT to be ME.

I'll find a way. I'll find a way to stop my self for being trapped here.


Well-known member
You know when some random things happen when you least expect it but you most need it too?

Like this one time. I was surfing the net in the library. Then there's this one guy who suddenly approached me. I was listening to some music video on Youtube so I didn't notice at first that he was talking to me. Then I took off my headphone and looked behind me, but nobody's there.

And then finally I said
'Yes?' And this guy said 'I just want you to know that I think you are beautiful'
It was so random that I was tongue tied at first then i replied "eeerrr... thanks"
then he smiled and went out the door.

How about that? The nicest thing is it was a pure expression of admiration. He didn't ask for my number. He didn't make me feel that he is hitting on me.

All I remember is that he is kind of awkward and nerdish. What do I know? He might have an SA too. Anyway, these are the moments when I feel a little bit special.



Well-known member
But it doesn't erase the fact that I'm in a state of sh1tinnes still. Pondering about what's happening to my life right now, one thing comes into my mind: I'm tired of life.

I'm tired of endlessly dealing with people whom I don't really care much. I'm constantly forced to live in this pretentious life.

I'm thinking, "Am I that cold and heartless?" then I realize, "No." Coz when I'm talking alone with some of my client, when nobody's looking at me, I talk to them, despite the limitation of my language skills, I talk to them, really talk to them. I laugh and smile and totally connect yet in a silent way because all I get from them is a smile that is saying 'yes. i appreciate you'.

and I hate it because it shows that I only feel comfortable with these people because I know that they are very welcoming. That they won't respond in a badly manner. and even if they do, i know that they don't really mean it because they are restricted by their own incapacity.

I'm also tired of my constant struggle of wanting to reach my career goal which i'm not even sure if i truly like. i guess doubting it in the first place means that i dont really like it at all. but still i pursued it. why? because i was brainwashed? it sounds appealing? it's more practical? i have to take advantage of the opportunity? because they'll be more proud of me? because i'm unsure of what i really want? it all ends up to that fact, right? that i don't really know what i like. or maybe i know but i am too coward to start it because im afraid if i fail, there's nobody to blame but me. but if i fail on this present goal, atleast i can say that my heart's not really into it.

I'm also tired of doing the same thing. Of constantly entertaining myself for this false 'happiness'. i've spoiled my self of food, games, internet, books, dvds, everything that I want. But nothing satisfies me at all. They're like drugs and alcohol, they won't linger long. When you become sober again, the truth slaps you in the face again. you're not happy, you thought you are but you're not.

i'm tired of staying alone far from my loved ones. I don't care much about new friends. Yes I did meet lots of acquaintances and friends. I've hang out with them. I wasn't a total hermit. I did appreciate them. I did enjoy time with them. But like the dvds, games and stuffs. they're just my temporary escape and maybe my mask. i'm here, people see my pictures, they think i'm having an adventure, i can't say those smiles in my pictures are fake because at that time, i did enjoy all of it. But those things are superficial. All I really want is to be with those who really matters to me. And I hate that in able to achieve my goals, to maybe reach that success that society dictates, that people call 'happiness and stability and all the ****s', i have to be far away from them. and what i hate most is because those people that i love seems to encourage me to keep on doing this. they thought it's for my own good. and i can't blame them. it's so easy to say that i wanna go home. but if i do. everything will be wasted. it's not just the money. it's the effort. it's everybody's effort. the time. everything.

but really do these things matter at all? what if I suddenly die from some freak accident or one of them dies? all of these struggles will be nonsense. and the saddest part is, i have spent this life doing nothing but focus on that goal. it will be a 'what if' scenario. what if i stayed home. what if i followed my own heart? what if i didn't let them pressure me. what if i didn't let society pressure me? maybe i would die not as successful but at least I get to say that I spent my life with my loved ones.

am i not being too melodramatic? and then i realized that maybe if i had a real achievement, no matter how sh1tty it is, it's this journal. this journal that i created and maybe made a bit of difference to SPW by opening t doors for people to share their life too. And maybe when I die. Atleast I get to say that a few people, these people who has/had read and been reading this journal, knows the real story of my life. From the beginning when I was still an awkward student till the day when I've finally found my job, my love, and everything beyond it. You don't know me. I don't know the people who's been reading this. But that's the magic of this journal, I guess.


Well-known member
So I am feeling better now. I still don't feel like going to work but atleast I have the energy to move today and I'm actually a little bit looking forward to working today. How's that for contradiction? lol.

I want to think that these past few week's emotional outburst was all because of PMS. I mean, I still have anxiety issues but maybe PMS made it worse. I'm saying this because I just had my period last evening and I felt more relaxed after that and I slept continuously for 8 hours. So I woke up feeling good and I actually made an effort to have a decent and healthy breakfast, cleaned my room, ironed my uniform, and took a bath early.

So you're probably saying, 'the heck of this girl expressing all this drama about life and death and society and all this sh1ts just to know that it's all because of her monthly hormonal fluctuations!'

But I do mean it. All of those things that I've said are true. Maybe not that intense right now.

I hate that we, ladies, are slaves of our hormones. This strengthens my belief that people are slaves of their biological make-up. I know that many people would object, but me working in a medical field, it seems like every person's behaviour has a scientific explanation and can be easily manipulated by the right drugs, hormones, therapy etc.
If people are allowed to be a guinea pig, I bet they can be easily tweaked and transformed.
You might say, but those people are unstable in the first place? Well, yeah, but think of a 'stable person', if one glitch happens to that person's brain process, I bet that person's personality will be quite different too. It just happens that some people have more glitches that needs to be fixed.
I know a person's behavior is complicated, it's not just about the DNA and stuffs. But I'm pretty sure that Biology has the most powerful effect on us.


Well-known member
Music is my salvation, my only escape when reality seems to strangle me, when I can't stop thinking too much and when silence is too cruel. Right now I am drowning myself with it or else I'll feel that pain again.

Being awake is a torture but I cannot sleep. Thanks to music I can maintain my sanity while I'm conscious. From now on, this is my key to survival: music and sleep. Maybe someday I'll be able to breathe in this world again. But for the mean time, I'll let myself go numb... I have no heart, no soul, I am empty, I am nothing, I am invisible.


Well-known member
Music is my salvation, my only escape when reality seems to strangle me, when I can't stop thinking too much and when silence is too cruel. Right now I am drowning myself with it or else I'll feel that pain again.

Being awake is a torture but I cannot sleep. Thanks to music I can maintain my sanity while I'm conscious. From now on, this is my key to survival: music and sleep. Maybe someday I'll be able to breathe in this world again. But for the mean time, I'll let myself go numb... I have no heart, no soul, I am empty, I am nothing, I am invisible.
I can relate, I think music is the only thing that helps me to cope. Hang in there.