The positive thread

feeling great today. Counselors told me they can see I'm doing so much better, they won't be suprised if I don't need help with skool and stuff cuz I do so much on my own now and do not seem so anxious anymore.They would coach me if I need it, but they are suprised by what I do now instead of one year ago.. Being isolated and depressed, now It's the opposite, still have my downsets, but it's going better day a day.
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Well-known member
I just talked to a girl!!! woohoo!!....ok, I know that sounds really sad to most people, but I don't care, I'm really proud! :D

I was walking my dog, and there was this girl jogging round the park. I'd seen her a few times before. The last time, my dog approached her [I trained him well! ;)] and she gave me a smile. This time she was jogging round again, and I was just imagining to myself [as you do!] how a conversation between us might go, and I imagined she might stop somewhere to warm down and I could ask her how far she ran for this time, and whether she was training for anything. Then suddenly, as I came round the corner, would you believe it, there she was, warming down over a little bridge....and all of a sudden I realised I might actually have to do this!!! and suddenly I could feel my heart racing in my chest and I got incredibly nervous and totally lost that natural sense of calm and confidence. Usually, at this point, I'd bottle it because I'd know that if I attempted it in this condition I'd more likely come across as a weird pervy stalker and I'd totally bodge it and it would just be bad for all concerned......but I also knew that whenever I bottle it I then have to carry around that feeling of regret and self loathing for the rest of the day....and I just felt sick of doing that. I want to live my life and take risks dammit! ::p: So I tried my hardest to remain composed and calm......and I DID IT!!! :D....I asked her, and she answered, and I mentioned that I run round this park sometimes too, and she was like, oh right, yea it's like 1.2 miles right? and I was like yea, about 2k! hahaha!!! lol! which I'm sure sounds really lame, but I just had to share it with someone, and this is the only place I know where people might appreciate it!

ok, thats all.....god knows what I'm gonna do if I ever run into her again, but we'll cross that hurdle if it ever comes up!

I think that your views and approach to life are very healthy. I find it hard to approach girls like this but i do communicate with the girls i already know. Talking to strangers is rewarding - i love it when similar things like this happen to me - good job bro.
I went to my girlfriend this weekend, we had a great time together (L)
I traveled the bus trip all by myself, she always goes with me, now i did it on my own! So that is a victory!! :rolleyes: And it is really positive that my girlfriend is so understanding, she helps me through the fight of S.A, she's my angel<3
Nobody ever understood me so well and next weekend it's my mom's bday she will be there too and we're going to read a poem for my mom, I'm really looking forward to it!:D


Well-known member
I'm really open minded, and i really want to help people out who feel lonely on this forum : D So if you fell like talking just tell me ^^


Well-known member
I can breathe easier with the 'new' (old) glasses!! :)

Did you know you can get glasses fixed, even if they seem unrepairable! That's magic! haha


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I'm jobless, freshly graduated with no stable short-term future goals and doing nothing substantial or contributing to society - but I did just finish an awesome game, Mass Effect, and will be doing Mass Effect 2 soon, awesome RPGs. Technically I am saving the galaxy...