About two weeks ago, I had a job interview which I thought I completely bombed. My anxiety has not acted up in a while. Certainly not like it did during the interview. It all began when I was greeted by five interviewers. Before that I had been very calm and thought myself prepared....I
hate not being prepared! My anxiety will easily act up if I'm unprepared.
I was so anxious during the interview that my thought process almost went blank. I had to struggle to keep my answers coherent. I went home thinking that I had completely failed. I hadn't felt so embarrassed in a long time! My sole consolation was that I was surprisingly able to function despite my anxiety being being very high. I've rarely been able to do so in the past because I would freak out instead of trying work through the anxiety.
I figured that they would call me back to tell me that I had not been selected and just left it at that. Earlier this morning, I get a call informing me that
they actually liked me! 
That and they want to pay me more!? (I will inquire about that.) They want me to go see them tomorrow morning!
Now that I think about it...my performance had not been so terrible after all. As I wrote above, I still was able to pull through, and a few instances during the interview and right after, I was able to show my more charming side. That and I can say that I gave good answers.
I know that we win some and we lose some in life, but this small thing gave me some hope for the future. Hope that I will be able to pull through again.