An external hard drive, a bottle of Coke, a packet of cigarette papers and a newspaper.
Alphasocket 1 Jul 29, 2010 #101 An external hard drive, a bottle of Coke, a packet of cigarette papers and a newspaper.
EscapeArtist Well-known member Sep 4, 2010 #103 A treadmill!! Yaay!! 90 dollars from a nice overly-happy yoga loving couple up by the forest Now all I need is to put it together :}
A treadmill!! Yaay!! 90 dollars from a nice overly-happy yoga loving couple up by the forest Now all I need is to put it together :}
petrified eyes Well-known member Sep 4, 2010 #104 I bought a Mk IV helmet dated 1952 for the low price of $12.
NathanielWingatePeaslee Iä! Iä! Cthulhu fhtagn! Staff member Sep 5, 2010 #109 AA batteries for my hungry camera, wine, and avocados.
dottie Well-known member Sep 5, 2010 #111 i shave my legs with that stuff! smells good. going to do that now in fact. and wash my belly button. haha bbl
i shave my legs with that stuff! smells good. going to do that now in fact. and wash my belly button. haha bbl
philly2bits Well-known member Sep 5, 2010 #113 Mr.Moon said: Mmmm Sonic. Click to expand... I bought a burger too. A number 5 from Burger King. I don't eat fast food often and my stomach is regretting it already.
Mr.Moon said: Mmmm Sonic. Click to expand... I bought a burger too. A number 5 from Burger King. I don't eat fast food often and my stomach is regretting it already.
fitftw Well-known member Sep 5, 2010 #116 ^ lol. Is gum the only thing that has remained the same price for the past 20 years? A pack of gum has always been 25 cents as long as I can remember...
^ lol. Is gum the only thing that has remained the same price for the past 20 years? A pack of gum has always been 25 cents as long as I can remember...
dottie Well-known member Sep 5, 2010 #117 DONT JINX IT, FITFTW! if it cost .26 tomorrow i am blaming you!
sanitariumcalls Well-known member Sep 16, 2010 #120 Books for Fall Quarter (wayyy too much money) Medium Dominos Pizza (Pepperoni, Bacon, Green Peppers, Tomatoes, and Mushrooms) 1 liter of Barq's Root Beer
Books for Fall Quarter (wayyy too much money) Medium Dominos Pizza (Pepperoni, Bacon, Green Peppers, Tomatoes, and Mushrooms) 1 liter of Barq's Root Beer