Supreme Court Ruling Makes Same-Sex Marriage a Right Nationwide

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Well-known member
Re: supreme

Lot tells the men of sodom:
Genesis 19:8:
Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof.

Because handing your virgin daughters off to a mob of sex hungry men is the right thing to do? You do realize thats messed up right?

I really don't give a **** about any of that nonsense and don't understand why you're preaching it? Means nothing to me.
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Re: supreme

2 Angels went into Sodom to bring out Lot from the city called Sodom. Here is what the men of Sodom tried to do the 2 angels:

The men of sodom say unto Lot:
Genesis 19:5:
And they called unto Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men which came in to thee this night? bring them out unto us, that we may know them.

Lot tells the men of sodom:
Genesis 19:8:
Behold now, I have two daughters which have not known man; let me, I pray you, bring them out unto you, and do ye to them as is good in your eyes: only unto these men do nothing; for therefore came they under the shadow of my roof.

The men of sodom tell lot:
Genesis 19:9
And they said, Stand back. And they said again, This one fellow came in to sojourn, and he will needs be a judge: now will we deal worse with thee, than with them. And they pressed sore upon the man, even Lot, and came near to break the door.

What are some of the characteristics of the men of Sodom:

Romans 1:29:
Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful
^ That example you gave about the father giving his two young virgin daughters to the group of men to rape all night, so they would leave the 2 angels alone (which they mistakenly thought were women by the way :eek:h: ) is one of the most horrifically violent incidents in the Bible in my opinion.

Why someone can think of using such a triggering example in the Bible - triggering memories for any girl who has been gang raped, to prove their point, seems extremely callous in my opinion. :thumbdown:


Active member
Re: supreme

Because handing your virgin daughters off to a mob of sex hungry men is the right thing to do? You do realize thats messed up right?

Those were not men, they were reprobates.

Jude 1:7:
Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

Messed up?!?!?

Matthew 12:39:
But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:

Are you blind to what's going on?!?!?


Active member
Re: supreme

^ That example you gave about the father giving his two young virgin daughters to the group of men to rape all night, so they would leave the 2 angels alone (which they mistakenly thought were women by the way :eek:h: ) is one of the most horrifically violent incidents in the Bible in my opinion.

Why someone can think of using such a triggering example in the Bible - triggering memories for any girl who has been gang raped, to prove their point, seems extremely callous in my opinion. :thumbdown:

Jude 1:7:
Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

What is strange flesh?

These reprobates were going after kids and animals.

We got verse after verse proving this.

Do you think that's normal?!?!? It's against nature. It's an abomination. Are you all blind or something?
Re: supreme

Jude 1:7:
Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

What is strange flesh?

These reprobates were going after kids and animals.

We got verse after verse proving this.

Do you think that's normal?!?!? It's against nature. It's an abomination. Are you all blind or something?
^ Ok, now I just feel sorry for you. :eek:h:


Active member
Re: the hell

Enough with the bible verses already... *sigh* Looks like firebird is back.

A simple test.

Where does morality come from? Man? Before you answer, think about that.

Once you "finished" thinking about, you have to realize that it cannot come from man.


Active member
Re: supreme

^ Ok, now I just feel sorry for you. :eek:h:

Can you explain? How do you feel sorry for me?

The word of God says the natural man cannot understand the things of God. That's why the "world's wisemen" get stuck in politics.

The wisdom of God is foolishness unto the world, the wisdom of the world is foolishness unto God.

Who is going to speak up/stand against these abominations of the world?

1 Kings 19:18:
Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.

Baal = satan.

BTW, the Supreme Court is a joke. Checks and balances based on traditions of man never work. History even shows us this. Do you really honestly think your rights come from a piece of paper?!??!
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I really admire warcraft's audition for the Westboro Baptist Church - good luck, sir! I hope they approve of your application. You've got it all down:

• Intolerance.
• Bigotry.
• Parroting scripture to suit an ideologically-motivated purpose.

Here are the arguments thus presented:

a) It's against nature. That's refuted by nature itself. There are plenty of examples in nature of homosexuality. Feel free to peruse this at your leisure, and check out the references at the bottom. You seem to enjoy reading, so this should be no challenge!

b) Scriptural citations. The problem here is that not everyone regards the Bible in the same way you do. And there are passages that I'm quite certain you are ignoring in modern life, as they are both psychotic and irrelevant. This is particularly true of any passage having to do with stoning people to death.

c) If you find homosexuality abhorrent - okay, that's fine. You're a bigot with a narrow world-view, but you're allowed that right. The problem is when you impose your small-mindedness on the rest of society and it leads to the unnecessary suffering of others or discrimination against them. You see, you're free to live a heterosexual lifestyle. No one is changing that. No one is judging you for that. Churches won't be forced to perform services for people outside of their theological constructs. In other words ... this doesn't affect you.

So - in short, kindly piss off.
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Well-known member
I dunno, all I know is there are some pretty awesome gay people out there, and them being able to enjoy the same privileges as the rest of us is pretty cool.


Staff member
I'm a bi-romantic demisexual, if I ever do want to get married, I don't need some dusty old tome to tell me whether I can or not nor make me feel guilty for the way I was born.


Well-known member
Oh Kitty Sullivan, I had such a crush on you :kiss: ...note it doesn't show them all smoking the joint Harry rolls in the clip, just the buzz they get from it once they're around the pianola :giggle:

and John is gay, or the actor whoo played him is!

and btw Temple of Baal is a great album by the Church.


Well-known member
Re: supreme

Can you explain? How do you feel sorry for me?

The word of God says the natural man cannot understand the things of God. That's why the "world's wisemen" get stuck in politics.

The wisdom of God is foolishness unto the world, the wisdom of the world is foolishness unto God.

Who is going to speak up/stand against these abominations of the world?

1 Kings 19:18:
Yet I have left me seven thousand in Israel, all the knees which have not bowed unto Baal, and every mouth which hath not kissed him.

Baal = satan.

BTW, the Supreme Court is a joke. Checks and balances based on traditions of man never work. History even shows us this. Do you really honestly think your rights come from a piece of paper?!??!

Ok so I don't mind people with religion, that's not a bad thing. But when you push it out to people and basically tell them what they believe or say is wrong, just because it's not your religion, is not ok. Sorry if this bothers you but not everybody is christian and everyone is aloud to have their own religion.

Also keeping to the topic on hand, not one thing is wrong with homosexual's getting married. They are people just like everybody else. They don't have to love someone of the opposite sex in order to get married. Love is not only between man and woman it can be with any person you choose.


I guess that now we all know why we don't have a politics forum on SPW.

But why someone with social anxiety wouldn't be in favor of gay marriage is beyond me. It seems to me that anyone who knows what it's like to be misunderstood on a daily basis would see the hypocrisy in condemning things they don't understand.


Re: supreme

Those were not men, they were reprobates.

Jude 1:7:
Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

Messed up?!?!?

Matthew 12:39:
But he answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeketh after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonas:

Are you blind to what's going on?!?!?

There are plenty of cults that also cherrypick Bible verses and read their own politics into them to 'prove' their points.

Sorry, but you don't own God... and that is essentially what everyone opposed to gay marriage is trying to do.
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