Straight edge isolation


Well-known member
I've made it my own personal choice to follow a straight edge life style, so I refuse to drink, smoke, do drugs, and I also avoid situations in which any of those are involved.

I find myself having to remove myself from quite a few situations in which people were smoking or drinking and i didnt want to be around it. I just get really uncomfortable around it. (and i also have difficult time breathing around people smoking and the smell of alcohol gives me a headache). so i would just go home, further separating myself from the little social life i do have (if thats what you want to call it)

It seems like everyone smokes or drinks (maybe its just cause its college age people) and i feel like even more of an outcast cause i dont and i dont approve of it. almost like im isolating myself even further

this is more of a rant of disappointment and me complaining than anything really


Well-known member
I was brought up in a very strict home. I don't drink, smoke or do drugs either. They seem to me to be social vices, which are difficult to get involve with on your own, as a single entity. For me having no friends has completely eliminated the risk of being exposed to peer pressure and it's possible negative side.

I can understand your reasons for wanting to stay away from those vices. It's a pity though that it can alienate ones self even further.


Well-known member
I have been unable to find a single other straight edge person in real life.

I don't mind isolating myself if it means I am keeping my body from being defiled by things that make me feel gross to even just think about.
I'm not going to bend to peer pressure but I'm also not going to stand in a room while people fill it with stink and hold back vomiting just so I can be near people while they act like idiots and I'm the only sober person around who gets to clean up everyone elses messes.
Anyway-- I could go on forever about this, really... but it would be pointless.
Everyone may do whatever they like with their bodies.


Well-known member
I was a binge drinker for 6 years before giving that up to some degree two years ago. I don't mind being around drunk people - I go out to bars and clubs - but it's only when fights and arguments break out that I realise it's not good.

Weed smoking and other such things I try to stay even clearer of, but that's not always successful.

I don't isolate myself if I know there's going to be alcohol at an event. Sometimes I just deal with it.


Sometimes I wonder whether it's really us who have the social problems, or other people? I'm the same, I think it's right to stay clear of drink and drugs and smoking. Unfortunately, because most of society doesn't feel the same, we're the ones in the minority and so come off as the outcasts. Then we're labelled as losers and begin to believe there must be something wrong with us. It's all backwards......this world pisses me off sometimes.


Well-known member
I am not straight edge,but I labeled myself as that in the past,to me its just the sensible thing to to it,I also never found someone like that in real life,yes I got put down a lot,specially because I dont have random sex.


Well-known member
You are DEFINATELY making the right move,its good to hear
Unfortunately i have had problems with all three in the past due to my addictive personallity.Dont do drugs now and only have a few drinks on the weekend,the ciggies tho i'm finding hard to kick but i will get there.
Try not to judge all drug users tho,alot dont harm anyone but themselves and they are usually trying to escape from bigger problems.


Well-known member
I find it sad that it seems to be rebellious to live in a way which doesn't harm yourself (or others). Both my husband and I do not drink, smoke or do drugs and would never have been involved with casual sex. We don't even drink things like coffee or tea lol. We just consider it to be normal and healthy... We would never have thought of labeling ourselves - indeed it's only since being on this forum that we've heard of the term "straight edge".

It is more socially isolating, I suppose since so few people in the world seem to want to live like that. But as long as you don't judge people harshly, I see no real reason why you couldn't find friends who, even if they don't live like that, could still respect your choice and and behave in a suitable manner around you.

Sometimes I wonder whether it's really us who have the social problems, or other people? I'm the same, I think it's right to stay clear of drink and drugs and smoking. Unfortunately, because most of society doesn't feel the same, we're the ones in the minority and so come off as the outcasts. Then we're labelled as losers and begin to believe there must be something wrong with us. It's all backwards......this world pisses me off sometimes.

My husband often says the exact same thing... Not just in relation to this issue, but even in terms of basic social skills. Neither of us cope well socially, but we have many more social manners than the majority of "social" people...


Well-known member
I find myself having to remove myself from quite a few situations in which people were smoking or drinking and i didnt want to be around it. I just get really uncomfortable around it. (and i also have difficult time breathing around people smoking and the smell of alcohol gives me a headache). so i would just go home, further separating myself from the little social life i do have (if thats what you want to call it)

Me too! My uncle actually developed cancer from his years of drinking and smoking, and that's enough for me to avoid drinking, smoking, or doing drugs. But in order to fit in at parties or bars, people expect you to do those things.

It seems like everyone smokes or drinks (maybe its just cause its college age people) and i feel like even more of an outcast cause i dont and i dont approve of it. almost like im isolating myself even further

Yes, we're in the minority, but I want to try to befriend people who are just like me or wouldn't mind accepting me for who I am. The library is a nice place to start.


Well-known member
i dont really judge them, i just dont want to be around it and i feel like im being rude when i leave or that theyll take it the wrong way. i think my bf is the only one who really understands my opposition to it, and the fact that i just cant be around it. especially the smoking. think i actually might be a bit allergic


Well-known member
Same here: no drugs, alchohol and smoking. Except on some occasions i tend to drink something. But not at home. I actually feel very proud about it.


Well-known member
Well, I don't smoke, because (insert obvious reasons).

I don't drink, because I once had chronic depressions, and I fear that if I start again drinking socially (did so the last time in my teens), that I might start doing it alone as well. And I don't want to risk that.

And I don't do other drugs, because I don't want to screw up my personality even more.

Now, I do mind if people smoke nearby. But most of my friends are non-smokers or stopped smoking. And those few who still do, they go outside to do it, on the balcony or something. So that's ok.

Alcohol? A few of my friends don't do it neither. The other friends don't even ask why I don't drink. Sure, at my workplace, people at first frowned a bit, when I refused the after-work beer and got something else instead. But then they stopped wondeirng as well.

And about other drugs... The huge majority of my friends don't do those either. And those who do? Well, it got nothing to do with me.

I think that if someone got any kind of psychological problems, avoiding alcohol, smoking and other drugs is a very wise decision. Well, not smoking is always wise.

Edit: But I wouldn't skip any events just because people drink there. Unless the aim would be to get drunk, then I'd say "screw you". But as long as they drink there socially, there is no reason not to attend.
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Well-known member
I grew up with an alcoholic/drug father and as a teenager, had to call 911 on way too many occasions. Not fun.

I have no trouble saying "no" to drugs, smoking, alcohol of any kind. In the past, I've been put in spots of so called peer pressure and never gave in and I do not regret it

I am in my early 40s and never have been drunk or high and I've never smoked and I am happy to say that. It is unfortunate we live in a society where smoking and drinking alcohol is considered a social norm, for lack of better words.

At times, yes it is socially isolating me even more so than I already am, or so it seems, but in the long run, I am healthier and happier person with no regrets or public embarrassments :)


Well-known member
There doesn't seem to be an alternative social life to drinking. I've known a lot of people who don't drink and you wouldn't know until you were buying a round. To me it just seems like there's no alternative.

There is! Judging by posts on FaceBook, even people who do drink alcohol (and enjoy going out for a drink for that matter) do lots of other things which do not involve it... To name a few that have happened recently: Picnics (With children involved and no alcohol), days out at theme parks, circus skills days, activity days (like one place where there is rock climbing, kayaking and other outdoor sports facilities), sports generally, going off bike riding for the day and going to fast food restaurants. Of course, finding people who are willing to do other things may be more difficult, but they do exist.


Well-known member
For the most part one could say that I'm straight edge, though I'm actually not. I just don't like drinking for the most part (unless especial occasion like New Year's Eve, for example, and even there I barely do) don't do drugs of any kind, never did. I never smoked and never cared about peer pressure, I always rejected any kind of drug I got offered and always will.


Active member
As someone under the legal drinking age, here's how I look at it: if they know what they are putting in their bodies, then let them do what they will, and they should respect your decision not to. That's a friend. On the other hand, if they only can "socialize" with you if you are drunk or high, (whether they know what they are doing to themselves or not) that's not someone who actually respects you.
Personally I've never had a drop of beer or puff of anything in my life, proudly I might add.


All that drinking, smoking and drugs seem to weird, I never understood why people like it. I really feel like an alien on this planet. Sometimes I question my sanity and proper perspective, you can probably see even from my other posts that I am an alien.


I had a straight edge roommate in college. He made a lot of straight edge friends from some kind of campus Christian club. He also had non-straight edge friends, but he wouldnt go to their parties. There is this whole "hardcore straight edge" subculture he was into, they would dress badly and go to concerts and listen to crappy music about their lifestyle... so, pretty much the same as other college kids, except without binge drinking and promiscuous sex.
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Bustn Justin

Well-known member
I don't smoke or do drugs. I do like to drink to relax on Saturday night. I rarely drink when I was younger but like to now.
I don't necessarily like to put a label on it (Anyone get the reference?), but I'm not that interested in drugs or alcohol. Sure I'm 18, but that's not the reason. I personally believe the drinking age shouldn't even exist.

It can be a little odd, considering I'm a freshman in college and drinking is such a big part of the lifestyle. But I deal.