Something that atleast lessens your anxiety??


Well-known member
For me, when I crack my neck it makes me slightly less nervous during a social situation. Also if I use hand sanitizer I feel better. Bother are used as something to calm me down after a direct social situation.

Anybody else have something like this??
Not a single thing. Alcohol is presented as the loosing up medicine, but it has no effects in my personality at all. I may be drunk like a fish (which happens rarely anyway) but I'll stay as shy as usual.


Well-known member
laughter is the best medicine

that and some mangosteen juice are supposed to cure everything


Well-known member
Watch/read something that makes me laugh. Loosens you up physically, thus mentally.
Trying breathing techniques, muscle relaxation, etc. SINGING too. Helps. MUSIC too.
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Neck twitching helps me too, although it might look weird.
Or taking a shower, to relax :)
Or find distraction, playing a video game, or have a nice chat with a friend.
Writing my things of my chest, or a good laughter like Coyote said, Always works! :D (well, in the right situation, ofc:p)


Well-known member
If anything, keeping to myself. Which kind of defeats the purpose, so... I can't think of anything.


Well-known member
Deep breathing, relaxing muscles. Praticising mindfullness. Changes in diet (reduce caffiene), exercise. Of course knowing I can go for a arun at the end of the day is a blessing


Well-known member
Avoidance! hah...yes I know that's bad. Eating tends to help (I don't binge), it seems that kettle cooked potato chips work the best because I can't hear myself think over the loud crunchiness. =P Going for really long walks and just letting my minder wander helps too.


Well-known member
When I'm feeling really anxious, worried or stressed I have this sudden urge to go buy books. Somehow going to the bookstore and picking up a few books always makes me feel better. Not really a great thing to do as I already have to many books but it works. I also like to go to this park near my house and just sit and enjoy the quiet.
erm.. for me its when nobody is around, just 121 communication..
a joke lessons my anxiety......

if this person i am talking to is silly and shy like me...
who is Bubbles?


Bubble from Absolutely Fabulous