Pretending to be Happy


Well-known member
A shallow person said to me:

"If you just pretend to be happy it will cure depression"



Well-known member
Of course it won't cure depression, pretending is just a mask.

I do think people could benefit from the shift in perspective though. At least if you're pretending to be happy, you're thinking about that and not thinking about the things you're depressed about.


Well-known member
Of course it won't cure depression, pretending is just a mask.

I do think people could benefit from the shift in perspective though. At least if you're pretending to be happy, you're thinking about that and not thinking about the things you're depressed about.

Yes I agree, keeping your mind occupied can help a great deal.


Well-known member

i think positive attitude towards life CAN actually make you happier to some extent
not that it will solve all of the problems but it can, depending on each person,make life easier,even if the change is very small,it is still worth the try in my opinion

but just like any other change it needs consistency and a lot of practice
so the process of feeling better through positive thinking is actually similar to any other change in the pattern of behaviors.


Well-known member
That person has never been depressed.

I like to pretend like I'm okay, although not exactly happy. It's not going to make me feel any better. It just prevents people from worrying or questioning me about things I don't want to talk about.


Well-known member
Depression is an illness, simply pretending to be happy won't cure it although it does help. This is the whole 'Tears of a clown' scenario, many comedians are depressed in real life.


Well-known member
Like some of you have said...though pretending to be happy would help, but not cure it. I always pretend to be happy, because I don't want people to see me depressed or sad.


Well-known member
Of course it won't cure depression, pretending is just a mask.

I do think people could benefit from the shift in perspective though. At least if you're pretending to be happy, you're thinking about that and not thinking about the things you're depressed about.
Yes. Sometimes if you fake it enough, you will become it.

However, I pretend to be happy when I'm depressed so I don't have people clamouring around me, and it doesn't always work. Sometimes it does, though.


Well-known member
A shallow person said to me:

"If you just pretend to be happy it will cure depression"


the person it really helps is the one who wants you act happy - they don't want to deal with you in your depressed state

and while that alone might not "cure" your depression, it might go a long way to helping you connect to other people

which in turn may help you feel better about yourself


Well-known member
What a load of crap! Yeah, pretending to be happy will cure a chemical imbalance in your brain and if I pretend to be a millionaire I will suddenly have all the money I will ever need!


Well-known member
sounds like when I was into "The Secret" a few years back...anyone remember that?

I agree with others it does not cure it, it helps to a degree - for some. For others pretending to be happy would just piss ya off even more (sometimes) lol

I was auditioning for a role on In Plain Sight and I didn't get the part, well this person I knew told me that if I had imagined myself getting the part, etc., I would have gotten the part. uh, yeah, no... I can imagine rainbows and butterflies and unicorns and rolling around on my bed in a wad of cash all day long - it is not gonna happen - well I could tweak it and cut out pics from magazines and pretend. :giggle:


Well-known member
Well the whole idea of "The Secret" was to give people motivation.

True, I understand that, but I knew a few whack jobs who took it to mean even it was their Oxygen.

And for a while, it did wonders for me & others I knew, boost self-confidence, self-esteem, felt just like a beaming ray of sunshine. I stopped for reasons unknown right now. Hmmm....maybe I should dust it off.

and there's no point to this... sorry if that sounds rude, I am so sick strep throat or something disgusting - my sardonic depression shining through I guess.

Oh, yeah, I remember, in moderation. I think that's the key. ? maybe?

man on the hill

Well-known member
That person has never been depressed.

I like to pretend like I'm okay, although not exactly happy. It's not going to make me feel any better. It just prevents people from worrying or questioning me about things I don't want to talk about.

THIS is me. Except the other day I was around my parants and I was feeling so aweful I could not hide it like I have always done and for the first time they asked me what was wrong....and I told them just a SMALL bit of what was on my mind. but it only made me feel worse after I did that.


Yep. i've done exactly this, ever since birth. Acting should be very easy. I hate lying.

Today, a pic on FB with all girls of family round a table, ALL with the big, broad, wide, teethy, cheesy smile, holding champagne. Maybe the cheek muscles ache after pulling that

Nieces and widow

Makes me feel I'm the loser. :sarcastic: