Post your voice


Well-known member
yay! twiggle's voice :D
I usually have a hard time understanding British accents (in general) but specially when they speak fast, but I understood you completely (I think XD). Anyway, you sound better than Daria :)


not actually Fiona Apple
Yay Puma and Twiggle! Glad to have voices to names now :) (everyone's voice never sounds like I expect in my head, love all the accents!)
Cool voice, puma! I think I hear an accent in it, but I don't know which accent it is. What game are you playing?

You are correct, it's a Dutch accent you're hearing. I was playing Minecraft, by the way. :3

hehe , cool mansion puma !

you sound pretty good , i'm curious to know what your accent is from too ?

They, thanks. Twiggie guessed it; it was Dutch. :3

I think it's Minecraft.

Cool voice! I also detect an accent in there.

Thank you. :3
All rise for Minecraftian Anthem!

Puma, you have a great accent!
And I shink it ish.... dutch?
I love dutch accents :)

Correct you are. And thank you. :3