Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


Well-known member
no wonder I taught myself to constantly squint as a kid- my eyes look so stupid when they're open. -__-
All I have to worry about is the lines I'm already getting in my skin from squinting!
Oh, well!


Well-known member
Thank you for the thoughts, I've let this one pass, but its given me ideas of where to aim for with work. I get enormous inertia with job applications, I fill with self-doubt, I dont know how to get past it
Fair enough, but don't self-doubt! I'm sure you could have done that job. :) Hopefully a better one comes up and you can be happy with what you're doing.

I think I might be able to get along with this guy.
Fantastic! I want this to work out for you. :)

I wonder why intense emotional suffering is always accompanied by a physical pain. I wonder if we'd be able to feel it if it weren't for that pain..
It's weird because I hardly get any physical pain. I do get incredibly unmotivated and lazy, though.


Well-known member
Kid you'll move mountains

simple it's not, I'm afraid you will find
for a mind-maker-upper to make up his mind

you can get so confused
that you'll starting to race
down long wiggled roads at a break necking pace
and grind on for miles across weirdish wild space
headed, I fear, toward a most useless place
The Waiting Place

for people just waiting
waiting for the fish to bite
or waiting for wind to fly a kite
or waiting around for Friday night
or waiting perhaps for their Uncle Jake
or a pot to boil, or a Better Break
or a string of pearls, or a pair of pants
or a wig with curls, or Another Chance
Everyone is just waiting

NO! That's not for you!

Out of the mouths of babes.
(Thank you Theodor Geisel.)


Well-known member
The one awkward thing about having male friends is that some of them have a tendency to hit on me. It's not a huge deal, and I usually just disregard it, but sometimes it just feels awkward.


Well-known member
i don't want to admit it but i have changed a lot especially on my outlook on relationships, i guess it wasn't that i didnt want one it was just that that i didnt want one like the ones people around me were involved in. I don't want something casual and wishy washy i want something real that takes effort but worth in the long run...same difference though still doesn't make a mark given that i still don't have a person to go along with these new thoughts and feelings. ::(:


I sometimes wonder how anybody can be so certain of anything. How is it that we are convinced that our own opinions and assertions are correct? How can anybody know that they are right about anything? And why does it make us feel uncomfortable when our beliefs are threatened or contradicted...?

Thats what I am thinking about.


Well-known member
I sometimes wonder how anybody can be so certain of anything. How is it that we are convinced that our own opinions and assertions are correct? How can anybody know that they are right about anything? And why does it make us feel uncomfortable when our beliefs are threatened or contradicted...?

Thats what I am thinking about.
I think our instinct and gut-feelings are usually spot on, so we tend to have an innate sense that what we are thinking/feeling is legitimate. I suppose it's all part of human nature to want to have our feelings validated.


Well-known member
i don't want to admit it but i have changed a lot especially on my outlook on relationships, i guess it wasn't that i didnt want one it was just that that i didnt want one like the ones people around me were involved in. I don't want something casual and wishy washy i want something real that takes effort but worth in the long run...same difference though still doesn't make a mark given that i still don't have a person to go along with these new thoughts and feelings. ::(:
Everyone is different and are after different things in regards to relationships, so there's nothing wrong with a fling and there's nothing wrong with a serious, long-term one. I hope you find someone that will provide a real one for you. :)

I sometimes wonder how anybody can be so certain of anything. How is it that we are convinced that our own opinions and assertions are correct? How can anybody know that they are right about anything? And why does it make us feel uncomfortable when our beliefs are threatened or contradicted...?

Thats what I am thinking about.
Nobody likes their pride dented. It takes a lot of humbleness to admit defeat, and some people simply don't have that.


Well-known member
Everyone keeps running away from me, but maybe it's because I push them away myself without knowing how.
I don't know what I do, but it's been always the same. Nobody likes me.

Some of my family members say they love me and I don't doubt it, but it's because we're related by blood.
And still, they've told me more than once that they don't like me. My parents, my sister, my grandparents... they said they don't like who I am. I have to change.

I tried to change but I can't. This is me. I must be an horrible person because everyone seems to think the same.

Sometimes I wish people hated me, at least it would mean that I'm important to them.


Well-known member
I sometimes wonder how anybody can be so certain of anything. How is it that we are convinced that our own opinions and assertions are correct? How can anybody know that they are right about anything? And why does it make us feel uncomfortable when our beliefs are threatened or contradicted...?

Thats what I am thinking about.

I think about this a lot too.