when finding a job:
-it's better to call and not email the resume
-to get treated immediately and seriously by the clerk say magic words "i'm already at final stages for being accepted to another position, but i just saw your add and i am very interested to know if i can have an interview as fast as possible because it caught my eye" (or something similar... i didn't say it in english so don't catch me on word :9) (even if it's a lie) (i have no shame lying on there occasions :9)
so, today morning happened something totally spontaneous.
i called my friends boss about the security job in a control room, this is the ultimate legendary job for a student, you hear about friends of friends who work at it and envy they get payed for 'doing homework' but you never can get there yourself, no one knows how to find one. so i felt pretty lucky to have the number and called 'the boss'. it almost felt as i'm going to get it that easily... apparently no available spots in my city, and since i don't have driving license... i'm doomed. he gave me another number, but no luck with that too.
frustrated i entered the internet and searched for whatever comes first, i found the number of a firm which post was the first to catch my eye and called them cause i felt to angry to wait if they'll get my resume or not.
30 min later i'm in their office + job interview appointment in two days.
i feel like it's not good i declined to do the interview tomorrow,,, but i have a test, so it's no good.
well everything happened too fast ._.
i just worry they will find someone before i get the chance to get there at all :9