I guess I have a mysterious antipathy against people who have managed to get (I think) meaningless and disgusting tattoos. They really want to f*ck up their lives like this? Their view about life and their opinions about dozens of stuff IS going to change in their further lives!
In the same time why do I even care even? :-|
I say, let them tat up a donkey ainas on their forehead, their life, even if one might think it is ignorant. They will hopefully learn or have no issue and be proud of it, whatever good for them. Well they have high tech make up it it is that bad.
Finally reached over 100 members in the Social anxiety meet up group.
IT has taken nearly 2 years to get that far. I have 4 other organizers - who host events and help others support.
I guess I should feel proud.
Cheers and pat on the back to you. <3
I'm considering seeing a doctor, because I'm tired of feeling sickly and nauseous whenever I step outside in the sun and heat. I can't even stand to be within 5 feet of of someone on the train because the feel of their body heat makes me feel sick to my stomach. Let's not forget the feeling of wanting to throw up once in a while. Part of me wonders if it's my medication making me feel more prone to being sick from certain physical feelings and smells.
apparently the IM chatty bar thing doesn't work with the safari browser on the iPad
If anyone is tempting to chat me up, I'm not ignoring you, I just can't see
I feel like a cat with singed whiskers =€
Hi Coyote.