Post your random thoughts/feelings etc

I guess it could be worse. I saw a guy I worked with send the ball flying at what looked like a perfect right angle into the golf cart sitting next to him. It was imbedded in the wind shield. You should've seen the looks on the faces of the guys sitting in it.

HA! I live across from a golf course. Once, someone hit our school bus with a ball on the way home. :) So many people hit the ball off the course, across the street, and into the field by my house. My dad used to collect all the "lost" balls. We now have hundreds of them. Occasionally, when no one is on the course, I like to take a dozen or so out and hit them back onto the course to throw the players off. It gives me a lot of satisfaction. :cool:


Just got back from a live performance of My Fair Lady at a local music theater. It featured Charles Shaughnessy as Professor Higgins. I found it so boring; the fact that he was in it was the only highlight :p


Occasionally, when no one is on the course, I like to take a dozen or so out and hit them back onto the course to throw the players off. It gives me a lot of satisfaction. :cool:

LOL I so want to do that to some unsuspecting golfers now. :D


Well-known member
I spent more than 4 hours trying to figure out (i.e. just thinking) how to implement some code in c++.
It took me less than 5 minutes to actually implement it.

But now I'm free!!! (for a couple of hours)
Read the other day that, not only is the original Halo story getting another continuation, it's getting a fresh new trilogy featuring the chief once more.

Yay. :3