Post your random thoughts/feelings etc


in a VAN down by the RIVER
^ I suppose the difference is that it is a one-way street: you can only make a positive comment.

Whatever transpires, I just hope everyone can maintain a sense of decorum, and not tailor their replies to generate maximum thanks.

That said, check out this cool gif I found with baby sloths:



You want to know how I got these scars?
It's so amazing how therapeutic being out in the woods is- I love it :)

Yea I agree. There is something that is just... so relaxing, peaceful and it's like my soul can breath when I'm out in the wilderness. So refreshing. :thumbup:


Well-known member
Lyrical assassin/Nina Williams when I'm rappin'/ninjalike when I move/stay on my Kunimitsu

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Well-known member
Re: ILikeFood

Ugh, I totally relate to that feeling so much right now. I did the same thing for several days the past week and today. I feel absolutely fat and gross, and hate myself for going into these binge cycles whilst completely lacking self control. I wish I didn't like eating so much, but it's seriously one of the only things that gives me pleasure anymore. I'm sure you're fine, the occasional binge really isn't going to hurt you. It's the guilt that eats away at me for not being able to harbor proper self control over my eating habits at times.

Yeah the guilt is ridiculous! Usually I'll eat way more than I need for a couple days in a row and then the next few days I'll eat very little. I know it's not healthy but it makes me feel better at least. I also wish eating weren't so pleasurable but I much prefer the feeling when I haven't eaten for a while. My stomach will be flat again and everyone will say "Oh you look so thin!" I just need to focus on that the next time I feel like eating. Yes it's hard to say no to food but if you do, you'll be so much happier and the good feeling will last longer.