It's disturbing how much I can identify with Quentin Compson from
The Sound and the Fury. Not literally in his obsession with the Southern code of honor and all of that, but in the way he thinks about things to some degree and being unable sometimes to view things in more than black and white.
Not sure if anyone knows what I'm talking about but I guess there's a chance, haha. And not that anyone cares
Also, it's just occurred to me that there are some parallels between
The Sound and the Fury and Chekhov's
The Cherry Orchard. I don't even know if they were written around the same time or not or have anything to do with one another whatsoever (I don't think so), but they both deal with the decline and decadence of the aristocracy in their respective countries and how they've fallen into self-absorption and self-destruction, sitting around mourning the loss of their prestige and lost in their vices. I remember the one quote from the latter, "All we do is sit around all day, drinking vodka and complaining" or something to that effect.
I know for sure no one cares at all about THAT but I had to write it somewhere, it was an English major epiphany! Sort of.