Today, I went to visit my grandma, who's 92. I haven't seen her for roughly 1.5 years, so I was surprised by how much she's changed. She used to be able to hear and speak clearly, now she has on a hearing aid and couldn't see very well. Her back is also very curved and hunched. And she was sitting alone at home, not doing much. I feel so much sympathy and empathy for her. But her mind is still sharp, I think, because she could remember my birthday (just the month, not the day though). One of her eyes couldn't see but according to my grandma, the doctor refused to do lasik on her because of her old age.
I know I will be bashed for saying this, but the whole time during the visit, thoughts about life and death flowed through my mind. I kept wondering to myself, is it better off to be dead at this age? I just couldn't imagine myself living like my grandma, filled with many medical problems. I admire my grandma's courage and optimism, but if I were her, I'm not sure if I want to continue living. Maybe I'm just a coward, I don't know. Seeing my grandma also evoked hidden fears of life, and old age.
Anyways, I'm glad I visited my grandma, and she was happy to see us too, but at first she couldn't recognize me. She's still going strong, trying to be as independent as possible.