My work uniforms have a patch with my name and the company's name on the shirt, right above the pocket. I wear these uniforms to and from work every day and when I stop somewhere to get my lunch for that night at work the cashier will say "Hi, (jc972)". That REALLY makes me MAD. If you don't know me and see me with my name on this patch on my uniform shirt and call me by name like you know me I get upset. I really hate that. I've confronted people over it before. And I hate it when I'm in uniform and somebody sees the company name on my shirt and they say "Do you work at (fill in the blank)?" I always say "No" and look at them like they're an idiot. Yes! Duh! I work there or I wouldn't have the uniform on, stupid! Are people really this stupid! Idiots that ask obvious questions directly to me get ignored or get a sarcastic reply at most.
It makes me mad when I'm eating and somebody burps. I once threw an unopened soft drink can at a coworker for that. And it hit him. He would always wait till everybody was eating and belch loudly and smile.
People who don't brush their teeth make me mad. I'm all about some hygiene.
Obnoxious people who, when you first get introduced to them, say "I tell it like it is." To this I respond with, "When I want your F***ING OPINION, I'LL GIVE IT TO YOU!"
I especially hate people who walk around public places on their cell phones talking loudly.
I really hate being called a "redneck". I'm prone to bouts of violence when this occurs. Just because I'm from the South means nothing. To me, a redneck is uneducated and most often proud of it, doesn't bathe, and has no prospects of self growth or manners. I take it as an insult. I am an educated man from the Southern U.S. Period.
I hate people who don't have manners (or don't use them).