Post your picture thread


Well-known member
I'm so ugly ... I wasn't gonna post it but then I thought everyone else was doing it so I did it even though I'm now gonna regret it.
I wonder how many peoples eyes will burn from the sight of me? :(
Now people may stalk me (no offense to anybody) ... and that fear may take over enough for me to try and get rid of the picture I posted on here.

I hate that picture, like I hate all the others. This one makes me look even worse. :( I'm so fat and ugly and stupid. And I look so manly.

*Goes to weep in a corner*

you look great!


Well-known member
I won nothing, but I did get to give the flower to my mom on my senior night like all the other seniors.

And I'm a secret now? I've always wanted to be a secret! :D

Yes, only certain eyes are worthy enough to gaze upon your splendor m'lord.


Well-known member
I'm so ugly ... I wasn't gonna post it but then I thought everyone else was doing it so I did it even though I'm now gonna regret it.
I wonder how many peoples eyes will burn from the sight of me? :(
Now people may stalk me (no offense to anybody) ... and that fear may take over enough for me to try and get rid of the picture I posted on here.

I hate that picture, like I hate all the others. This one makes me look even worse. :( I'm so fat and ugly and stupid. And I look so manly.

*Goes to weep in a corner*

You look fine, you are certainly not what you believe yourself to look like. Many of us have that problem here I have noticed. Very low self image which makes for a skewed perspective of yourself.

Could I ask about the photo you are holding in the pic?


Well-known member
You look fine, you are certainly not what you believe yourself to look like. Many of us have that problem here I have noticed. Very low self image which makes for a skewed perspective of yourself.

Could I ask about the photo you are holding in the pic?

... It's just a picture of a New Zealand actor posing for a photoshoot from earlier this year.
Too bad he's so charming and I'm so gross looking.
Sorry, I can't help it. :(


Well-known member
Vj you're really good looking! Healthy/strong glow too

Writerchick, you are DEFINITELY not what you appear to think you are! Eyes, smile, very pretty! I know somebody who has a very similar smile to you, in fact she kind of looks like you, you both are gorgeous. (Very nice skin btw)

3lefts is a complete and utter cutie


Well-known member
went ice skating today with my best friend and sweet boy :)

HAHAHA! :D sorry if that scared anyone, i was being a goober! lol

..doing the chicken dance, haha!!


Well-known member
SERIOUSLY?! I sense NO social anxieties here...guess I'm doing pretty horrible... :(
a n d I'm t a l k i n g a b o u t p i c s l i k e t h e o n e a b o v e m e . . .
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