Post your picture thread


Well-known member
dpr said:
haha! WHAT! that's not lame, it's awesome.. and Gangstarr kicks ass! wow that is so cool, I could never do anything like that on photoshop. My talent is limited to putting my head on other people's bodies lol

lol! cheers


Staff member
dpr said:
You shouldn't have to have a disclaimer for an innocent picture of yourself in a bikini! If shit like that offends other people, then they are obviously way too easily offended. THEIR problem, not yours, in my opinion. If there were a picture of a guy with his shirt off, I guarantee you no one would care. What next?

There have been a few instance where people complained about guys with shirts off too, when I was a mod I eventually had to warn a guy for constantly posting pics like that. It isnt allowed either.

The webmaster said to me in the begining of the initial "moderating" of this site that the photoalbum was the place for pics (where you need approval) and he didnt want pics posted on the main forums. Though I said it wouldnt be a problem as anything breaching the rules would be removed, this was in 2004.

dpr said:
and none of us with a brain on this forum are bothered by it so just don't pay any mind to their ridiculous hysteria and welcome to the forum.

my point of view is of the one you deem "without a brain", maybe your view is as narrow minded as my own, since you suffer sex addiction and I am an abuse survivor?
Don't mind the evil glare-frown, which is an instinctive reaction to cameras (I really don't bite very hard)... or the timestamp, which I'm too stupid to figure out how to turn off... or the primitive furniture, which works well enough for me... or the product placement, which I'm being paid well for.
Does any else keeping up with this thread feel like only the good looking people posting their pics? Cause it sure makes me feel like crap about myself, lol.
Day_Tripper said:
Does any else keeping up with this thread feel like only the good looking people posting their pics? Cause it sure makes me feel like crap about myself, lol.

You know people take a bunch of pictures and only post the best one. Everybody in the thread is uglier than what you see here.

recluse said:
Is it me o'r is that a weird looking can of Coke?

It is a little odd. They make them half-size so they can proudly advertise half the calories and a cheaper price.


Active member
I'm sooooo ugly ... but guess I will post a few anyways .. :?

I always have my hat on , and I never smile with my mouth open.. I hate my hair and my smile ... :x





Well-known member
bcguitar said:
I always have my hat on , and I never smile with my mouth open.. I hate my hair and my smile ... :x

You just have to find the right cut...easier said i know but you got dark hair right, im guessing by your eyebrows lol. That generally works with any style...i only say that because i'm a lil' envious of dark and blondes, all with your normal (society) hair!! lol..But of course it's what you think of it, i'm sure most people would think it's fine anyway just insecurities are shit.

i dunno make a date with a barber...or i could shutup just i have a similar thing


Active member
i hate hairdressers ... i hate ppl touching me makes me feel really awkward .. I usually just my mom to cut my hair or jst do it myself.. plus my hair is receiding thats one reason I hate my hair and wear hats all the time .. :(


Well-known member
Remus said:
There have been a few instance where people complained about guys with shirts off too, when I was a mod I eventually had to warn a guy for constantly posting pics like that. It isnt allowed either.

The webmaster said to me in the begining of the initial "moderating" of this site that the photoalbum was the place for pics (where you need approval) and he didnt want pics posted on the main forums. Though I said it wouldnt be a problem as anything breaching the rules would be removed, this was in 2004.

No offense, but I think that's pretty ridiculous.

Remus said:
my point of view is of the one you deem "without a brain", maybe your view is as narrow minded as my own, since you suffer sex addiction and I am an abuse survivor?

Look I don't mean to be a dick, but all the girl did was post a picture of her and the other poster who got all irate about it probably made her feel like a slut when all she wanted to do was post her pictures!

I fail to see what my addiction has to do with my opinion here. I'm not defending her because I want to see her sexy body, I am defending her because I think it's stupid for some puritan to get all worked up about Katie's picture when all she had to do was simply NOT LOOK AT IT AGAIN.

And I can't speak on what it is like to be a sex abuse survivor. I don't want to make light of that, and I can only imagine how hard that was for you to deal with. That kind of stuff really makes me sick and that really sucks that that happened to you. But how does a girl posting a pic of herself in a bikini impact you in any way? To put it another way, should she really have to worry that much about how her pictures MIGHT make others FEEL? Most of us re-evaluate ourselves too much in the first place. We shouldn't ask people to do that, IMO.


Well-known member
Day_Tripper said:
Does any else keeping up with this thread feel like only the good looking people posting their pics? Cause it sure makes me feel like crap about myself, lol.

I am skinny as a heroin addict and I'm going bald and I posted my pics. I think maybe you are using the term "good-looking" a bit loosely LOL
dpr said:
Day_Tripper said:
Does any else keeping up with this thread feel like only the good looking people posting their pics? Cause it sure makes me feel like crap about myself, lol.

I am skinny as a heroin addict and I'm going bald and I posted my pics. I think maybe you are using the term "good-looking" a bit loosely LOL

Well I mean as far as having a nice face.


Well-known member
Day_Tripper said:
dpr said:
Day_Tripper said:
Does any else keeping up with this thread feel like only the good looking people posting their pics? Cause it sure makes me feel like crap about myself, lol.

I am skinny as a heroin addict and I'm going bald and I posted my pics. I think maybe you are using the term "good-looking" a bit loosely LOL

Well I mean as far as having a nice face.

I don't think I have a nice face. I truly think I am ugly. This is kind of my point. Just because you think someone is good-looking, it does not mean they think the same about themselves.