Post your picture thread


Well-known member
Cutegal said:
Katie you are 15 and posting semi naked pics on here! you look great an all but it isn't the place for such things :eek:

shame on you guys letching, are you pedo's or something? I thought the mods didn't allow any semi naked or shirt off pics on here as website is not authorised to show it? Maybe they would close the site if the FBI IINI unit saw this?

haha what are you, a self-appointed internet crusader for human decency? Right, without them, where would our society be? Hooray for censorship, it totally solves more problems than it causes, right?

First of all, how do you know she is 15? You just guessing? She looks older to me IMO, but so what if she is? She can post whatever she wants. And who was leching? All of the comments I saw were about her style (i.e. "You look cool" etc.)

Not that I'm super into young girls, but for what it's worth, the age of consent in my country (Canada) is 14! If so inclined, a 50-year-old woman or man could have sex with a 14-year-old woman or man and it would be legal. So I guess every Canadian citizen, all members of our federal government (who oversee the laws) and all members of our law enforcement (who uphold them) are pedophiles, in your opinion?

Like age of consent laws make sense anyway. Because everyone knows when you reach the age of 18, you're are all of a sudden mature, right? Because there are no immature 40-year-olds or mature 17-year-olds in this world, right? It's totally reliant on that 18 number, right? What a bunch of bullshit... I dunno, I think they're just innocent pics in good fun, what's the big deal in getting all offended?


Staff member
dpr said:
First of all, how do you know she is 15? You just guessing? She looks older to me IMO, but so what if she is? She can post whatever she wants. And who was leching? All of the comments I saw were about her style (i.e. "You look cool" etc.)

Oh yeah I was "imformed" of this as the myspace link says Katie is 15, I'm not a mod now so nowt to do with me, it does breach the rules but god knows who is going impliment them :roll:


Well-known member
Remus said:
dpr said:
First of all, how do you know she is 15? You just guessing? She looks older to me IMO, but so what if she is? She can post whatever she wants. And who was leching? All of the comments I saw were about her style (i.e. "You look cool" etc.)

Oh yeah I was "imformed" of this as the myspace link says Katie is 15, I'm not a mod now so nowt to do with me, it does breach the rules but god knows who is going impliment them :roll:

What rules?? I don't see anything about it here.

I personally do not agree with that kind of picture but it is not pornographic, not is it indecent. Just looks like a picture that any young girl will have of herself.

Love you hair Katie!! Oh to be young again!! :D


Well-known member
Remus said:
oh some webmaster rule from way back, that and the suicide post crap rule

I remember the suicide one. Could see his point as far as liability goes, but crap nonetheless. If you cannot come onto a site full of people who you feel with understand, then where can you go? Sometimes you just need to get it out there.



Well-known member
Remus said:
Oh yeah I was "imformed" of this as the myspace link says Katie is 15, I'm not a mod now so nowt to do with me, it does breach the rules but god knows who is going impliment them :roll:

ah I see... but really, who cares if she is, let her post what she wants. I don't think it's very cool to tell people what they can and can't post on this website, or any website for that matter.

lettypagb said:
are you on cocaine?

lol :lol:


Well-known member
FBI...tracking down people in swimsuits for the good of humanity :lol:

...although, I don't really understand why she (Katie) posted that :?

I have to go with the consensus, everyone here IS awesome looking


Well-known member
Hmm. She is wearing a bathing suit... That's no biggie.. You see people wearing bathing suits all the time..

And it's actually completely natural for men and women to find people attractive once they go through puberty.. and develop more 'adult' features.

Anyway.. I got some halloween pictures.. lol here's one of them..

This is me and my cousin being zombies. :p


Well-known member
RedRibbons said:
Hmm. She is wearing a bathing suit... That's no biggie.. You see people wearing bathing suits all the time..

And it's actually completely natural for men and women to find people attractive once they go through puberty.. and develop more 'adult' features.

Anyway.. I got some halloween pictures.. lol here's one of them..

This is me and my cousin being zombies. :p

Awesome costumes!

Where in Canada are you from?


Well-known member
katieluckern said:
Wait Wait.

I have one more thing to say.

Okay, people post pictures of their children... 10 year olds. 7 years olds, 5 year old!!! girlss.. and boys.. playing at the beach.. in BATHING SUITS.

So.. why does a picture of me in a BATHING SUIT cause such a conspiracy?!?!


Thankfully most of the people on here are mature enough to realize, it's just a picture.. an everyday kind of picture. Nothing perverse.

But to others.. who want to blow this out of proportion...
Grow up.

I'm 15.. turning 16 in two weeks.
It's not like I'm a child porn star.

So everyone should just drop it.
It's seriously dumber than the highschool drama I went through last year.
I posted pictures of me.. having the most fun.
Wether it's making hand puppets, drinking pepsi, and even getting ready for the BEACH...
They're just everyday, normal, teenage fun pictures.

Hahahh and as regards to the FBI thing.
I give you a high five for making me laugh so hard.
what bullshit.

The FBI isn't going to fucking track this site down for a damn picture that, honestly, thousands of teenagers have the same type of pictures on their myspaces.. and in their emails..

It's good fun.
Nothing more.

I'm suprised that so many of you, who are adults, are acting so immature about this.

HAhah my mom was sitting right next to me when I was uploading that.
and you know what she said!!!?!??

"Awh, katie, that's a cute picture. Did you have fun at the beach?"

I'm seriously taken back by the stupidity of this.

kay. thanks. bye.

I think the reason some people were upset about the photo is because it is a little bit riskay! It's nice that you have the confidence to do that, but it may be a bit inappropriate. Most people on here probably feel a bit inferior to the fact that you have the confidence to do that. The picture is kinda saying "Look at me!" It probably made a lot of other people feel bad about themselves. If I were you I would just take it down.
Conflict solved.


Well-known member
Bianca said:
It probably made a lot of other people feel bad about themselves.
i think you hit it right on the head! :roll:

i don't think she should have to remove it just because certain people are making such a big deal about nothing. if she wants to she can...but if she doesnt...then she shouldnt have to. if the mods feel its inappropriate then they can. maybe they should put a note next to the picture link saying "dont click on this link if you are not mature enough to handle a lil skin" lol.

you shouldnt feel you should have to leave katie just cuz of a few insecure people. i don't know you and frankly i'm too old to :oops: lol...but if you need support for your sa shouldnt leave. i dont like it when people have to say stupid stuff to make people leave (i could relate). hope you stay but you are probably better off leaving. ;)

EDIT: hope no one saw that. i'll just avoid the people who hate me here.


Well-known member
katieluckern said:
The FBI isn't going to fucking track this site down for a damn picture that, honestly, thousands of teenagers have the same type of pictures on their myspaces.. and in their emails..

yeah really. Seriously, don't worry about these other people. I'm sure that paranoid FBI agent has since turned on Fox or listened to some rap music so that he/she can now get offended at something else.

I honestly have no idea why people are telling you "Best just to take it down," and "Maybe you should leave." It's just a picture, and none of us with a brain on this forum are bothered by it so just don't pay any mind to their ridiculous hysteria and welcome to the forum.

You shouldn't have to have a disclaimer for an innocent picture of yourself in a bikini! If shit like that offends other people, then they are obviously way too easily offended. THEIR problem, not yours, in my opinion. If there were a picture of a guy with his shirt off, I guarantee you no one would care. What next? Do I have to post a disclaimer for a picture of myself standing in front of the CN Tower? "Caution: Phallic symbol! Don't look if you're offended by structures that ressemble penises!" please...

Frankly, I think you and anyone else should be able to post anything you want as long as it is not some judgmental bullshit like "Hey you! Don't post that!"


Well-known member
Generical said:
Erm a pretty random pic i did for facebook profile, all wrapped up in my lame editing lol


haha! WHAT! that's not lame, it's awesome.. and Gangstarr kicks ass! wow that is so cool, I could never do anything like that on photoshop. My talent is limited to putting my head on other people's bodies lol


Well-known member
Bianca said:
The picture is kinda saying "Look at me!" It probably made a lot of other people feel bad about themselves. If I were you I would just take it down.
Conflict solved.

But why should she have to take it down because it makes other people feel bad? By that logic, I guess no one should be allowed to post pictures of themselves hanging out at a party (because it might make others feel bad that they don't go to parties), and no one should be allowed to post pictures of themselves at work (because it might make others feel bad that they don't work). That's kind of ridiculous, don't you think?