Post your picture thread


Well-known member
I think that body dysmorphia is a common trait for social phobics, i don't have it often now it's just my personality that feels ugly to me now :(


Well-known member
I have it too. Images of myself change in front of my eyes when I look at photos or in the mirror. Everyday what I see is different. I just wish I knew what I really look like.

My ex was really rude to me yesterday. He saw one of my published photos that I did for an advertising thing. He couldnt wait to call me last night tell me I'm a mess and isn't it amazing what they can do with a good lens. I hate him. It really doesn't help even though I knows hes nasty.


Well-known member
miss_amy said:
I have it too. Images of myself change in front of my eyes when I look at photos or in the mirror. Everyday what I see is different. I just wish I knew what I really look like.

My ex was really rude to me yesterday. He saw one of my published photos that I did for an advertising thing. He couldnt wait to call me last night tell me I'm a mess and isn't it amazing what they can do with a good lens. I hate him. It really doesn't help even though I knows hes nasty.

What a dickhole! First of all, is that you in the avatar? If so, then he must be blind cuz you look pretty hot to me. Bangs rule, btw. And anyway, it soooooo sounds like jealousy or sour grapes or one of those things. Sounds like he is compensating, and not too inconspicuously either! lol


Well-known member
miss_amy and 2crowded meet up!

Hey guys, I've been really brave, or is that stupid and travelled 9hr flight to visit one of my bestest friends.
We are having a great time...comparing SA symtoms and braving the big wide world together. Not sure I look too great..damn hot here!!

But here we are, me and 2crowded. :)



Well-known member
It was maybe the toughest thing i think maybe I have ever convinced myself to go through with.....It went super well after the initial extreme nervousness leading up to the meeting. It turned out to be the funest most interesting couple days time of my life... baby steps is what it takes....that there was a pretty big one for me...I'm hoping to take another big step soon....& it will be even tougher for me I know already.


Well-known member

"Highest temperature in the country!" It's just 25 degrees celsius (77 fahrenheit), but for me, it's enough to nearly melt away. :p
There are no polar bears in the streets of Mandal, that's for sure!


New member
That first picture was kind of old, so I figured I'd post some pictures from my junior-year prom.



I look stupid, but whatever, haha..


Well-known member
Psychedelicious said:
A nice picture of the professor I see! I got some new ones of my fishy face, so here it goes... Wonder how long I can keep these up. Scared!



Psychedelicious your eyes are gorgeous! I am soo jealous!