You are too kind. :I agree with all of the previous comments about Mikey and can't believe there's not a queue of girls lined up at his door! Both inner and outer beauty.
Hey, that's a cool comparison. I'll take it!I think he looks a bit like Jake Gylenhall in the pic below!
This forum must see me differently than the local girls! If they saw me like you guys see me I would be swimming in girls. Honestly not the case! But thank you! You're very kind. :Mikey you're a good looker. Somewhere in there you must know it, you could get any girl you want. If I were a guy I would be jealous
Sully you have such a friendly professional look and face structure, the kind of face that can't look bad no matter what! Not to mention those eyes gleam with light
Wow! Everybody here is good looking.
Sully you have such a friendly professional look and face structure, the kind of face that can't look bad no matter what! Not to mention those eyes gleam with light
Mikey you're a good looker. Somewhere in there you must know it, you could get any girl you want. If I were a guy I would be jealous
Blueoystercult you look badass but you have a really sweet and kind smile and eyes. That's an awesome contradiction