Post your picture thread


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Kewl, hope it was interesting and/or helpful :)

Oh and here is my cat:


Haha what a cutie!! I just want to pick it up and kiss it ::p:


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

How come almost everyone with SA seems to be good looking? Makes me feel like more of an outcast

I have low self esteem and self image. AKA think I'm a hideous creature. I have always wondered if my looks were better if I would have less SA. I'm not sure though with the amount of good looking people with SA.


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

I have low self esteem and self image. AKA think I'm a hideous creature. I have always wondered if my looks were better if I would have less SA. I'm not sure though with the amount of good looking people with SA.

No, it's JUST the people that post. The majority of them are fit and good looking, true. But that's ONLY the ones that post pictures. Then you got... what? 80-85% who have no pictures here? So it's just the good looking ones or the ones who have better self-esteem that post pictures. Good looks usually comes with better self-esteem. So the ones with higher self-esteem post, while the ones who lack it doesn't post.

HONESTLY, WTH do you fit and good looking people have SA for? Scared that somebody is gonna "check you out"? I'd actually love to be looked at for a GOOD(cuz you're pretty) reason, instead of a BAD(cuz you're ugly) reason. That's good attention. Kinda like, you got good and bad PR or publicity. Good makes people like you, bad makes people hate you.

Then again, SA is probably normal in you guys. The MAJORITY of SA people is basically... slight anxious in social situations, that's it. You have a normal life, good looking, friends, a partner, family, education, a job, etc. You're just.... slightly anxious. What was it? 5 million Americans have a form of SA. It's people like me that don't fit in here. Since I got none of the stuff I just said.

I need a no-life loser SA group.

Re: Post your pics! :)

Who said you were ugly Eric? And Pookah, you arent ugly either. Doesnt matter who posts here Im willing to bet most of them think they are ugly, but happen to be rather good looking.

I dont thinks looks are everything, I dont think they realy make up all your self esteem. Self esteem is much deeper. Self esteem has to do with shame, guilt, anger, pain etc.

Basically if you have low self esteem you have alot of insecurities. Work on that and you will feel better about yourself.
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Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

HONESTLY, WTH do you fit and good looking people have SA for? Scared that somebody is gonna "check you out"? I'd actually love to be looked at for a GOOD(cuz you're pretty) reason, instead of a BAD(cuz you're ugly) reason. That's good attention. Kinda like, you got good and bad PR or publicity. Good makes people like you, bad makes people hate you.

I wanted to respond to this because I dont agree with it. For me, my social anxiety is bad no matter what kind of attention I'm getting... good or bad. I mean of course I will feel good if someone compliments me on my looks, that doesn't cause me anxiety. Id be flattered too if someone was "checking me out", but at the same time id be really anxious. But you're saying that just in general all good attention is great, which just isn't true. In school I never wanted to get attention for doing good on a paper or project. I didn't want to be rewarded or recongnized for having good attendance or something. If anything good involves getting attention then I'll most likely get anxious and want to avoid it.
I think you have to be brave to post your pic on here. Not only are you getting judged by people and you never know what they reallllyyyy think about how you look, but anyone who comes to this site can view it. And save the pic to their comp and look at it over and over again and do whatever they want with it. And that freaks me out! So yeah, because of those reasons I don't want to post my pic on here... not yet anyways. Unless the pic is edited or my face is covered or not in the pic at all.

oh yeah and also, I know good attention is better than bad attention. but it still doesnt mean you cant be anxious about the good just because its 'good'. kthxbai im done now lol *runs away*
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Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

I think you have to be brave to post your pic on here. Not only are you getting judged by people and you never know what they reallllyyyy think about how you look, but anyone who comes to this site can view it. And save the pic to their comp and look at it over and over again and do whatever they want with it. And that freaks me out! So yeah, because of those reasons I don't want to post my pic on here... not yet anyways. Unless the pic is edited or my face is covered or not in the pic at all.

Yeah I think this section really needs to be made private (members only.) I really do worry that someone I know (from real life or from another forum) will recognise my photo, or see the URL link in a google search or something!! Site mods should really think about closing this section off to the public IMHO.


Re: Post your pics! :)

HONESTLY, WTH do you fit and good looking people have SA for? Scared that somebody is gonna "check you out"? I'd actually love to be looked at for a GOOD(cuz you're pretty) reason, instead of a BAD(cuz you're ugly) reason. That's good attention. Kinda like, you got good and bad PR or publicity. Good makes people like you, bad makes people hate you.

Then again, SA is probably normal in you guys. The MAJORITY of SA people is basically... slight anxious in social situations, that's it. You have a normal life, good looking, friends, a partner, family, education, a job, etc. You're just.... slightly anxious. What was it? 5 million Americans have a form of SA. It's people like me that don't fit in here. Since I got none of the stuff I just said.

I need a no-life loser SA group.


What so good people aren't allowed to have social anxiety or must have better self anxiety doesn't work like that...the vast majority of girls on this site who are really good looking,think they are ugly fat ect ect.Also alot of people with our problems probaly have bdd to a certain extent.

Mental health issues really doesn't discriminate on levels are atrractiveness,as you will notice on here there are some stunning people,but they truly believe they are hideous.
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Re: Post your pics! :)

Site mods should really think about closing this section off to the public IMHO.

Easier said than done..but good idea,sadly we don't have an awful lot of control over this website apart from deleting posts and banning/warning members.But it's something Mr Remus has put forward anyway to stop the spamming we have been getting.

It's just a case of waiting for the web master.


Staff member
Re: Post your pics! :)

.But it's something Mr Remus has put forward anyway to stop the spamming we have been getting.

It's just a case of waiting for the web master.

Yeah I was thinking the meeting section and pictures section be members only, for privacy purposes
Re: Post your pics! :)

I wanted to respond to this because I dont agree with it. For me, my social anxiety is bad no matter what kind of attention I'm getting... good or bad. I mean of course I will feel good if someone compliments me on my looks, that doesn't cause me anxiety. Id be flattered too if someone was "checking me out", but at the same time id be really anxious. But you're saying that just in general all good attention is great, which just isn't true. In school I never wanted to get attention for doing good on a paper or project. I didn't want to be rewarded or recongnized for having good attendance or something. If anything good involves getting attention then I'll most likely get anxious and want to avoid it.
I think you have to be brave to post your pic on here. Not only are you getting judged by people and you never know what they reallllyyyy think about how you look, but anyone who comes to this site can view it. And save the pic to their comp and look at it over and over again and do whatever they want with it. And that freaks me out! So yeah, because of those reasons I don't want to post my pic on here... not yet anyways. Unless the pic is edited or my face is covered or not in the pic at all.

oh yeah and also, I know good attention is better than bad attention. but it still doesnt mean you cant be anxious about the good just because its 'good'. kthxbai im done now lol *runs away*

Even though Im not that good-looking, and I don't get much attention from girls, I believe attractiveness is a small factor for SA

But Eric is right in that there's definitely a wide spectrum of SA severity on this forum. Most people who post regularly don't have very bad SA. They may have a lot of other problems like depression and drug/alcohol abuse etc but their SA is not as bad as the lurkers obviously
Re: Post your pics! :)

Thats not true at all either. Cant really measure how severe anyones SA is just based on how they post and how often. Seriously, my SA is more severe than some on here for sure, yet those people rarely talk. I dont even have half the things some people on here have. But also, there is some people more severe than me. It doesnt matter how severe anyones SA is, we are all here not to judge one another. How anyone feels about themself is their own belief, but it doesnt mean its always true.

Thats how SA is, the beliefs are thought to be true about you, but they really arent who you are, and everyone must remember this.


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Here is a non offensive, no intentional people picture taken today when
I ventured to a sledding hill that I previously went sledding at a few months
back...its about 60 degrees warmer here today than it was the last time I was


And no snow obviously lol... warm & muggy
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Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

I might also add that just because some people manage to get out of the house on a semi regular basis & manage do things that normal people do every day without thinking...dosent mean that it is comfortable for them...some people most likely have had sa for a long should be understandable that these people might be a little further along in the process of managing it or eeking out a seemingly normal existance in society..atleast on the surface anyway.

I can see where its possible that the pictures i might have posted in the past could have portrayed that i am social & dont have sa...& or in love with food & am perfectly capable...but for every composed looking picture i share what dosent get seen in them is the nervous gut & sitting in the truck getting up the nerve to get out & go in to where ever it is im trying to isent any fun..& i always feel tons better when its over..but i put myself through it cause i want to get better.. it feels good each time i get through a crowded restaraunt..or cinima experience or whatever im trying to do that day...i think the camera also provides a distraction for taking pictures when im out is helpful as well.

Getting out there on a regular basis is the goal isent it...i really doubt it will ever be comfortable for anyone that has sa..but with one foot in front of the other & just getting can get a bit better with it to where it becomes more managable...i think im getting there slowly but surely...& im hoping my photos encourage others rather than discourage.


Staff member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Most people who post regularly don't have very bad SA.

So you don't have very bad SA then? ;)

I tend to get phases, the last two years I've found even messenger impossible and have not spoken about SA to people in real life. It does not affect me putting pics up.


Well-known member
Re: Post your pics! :)

Here is a non offensive, no intentional people picture taken by amy today when
we ventured to a sledding hill that we previously went sledding at a few months
back...its about 60 degrees warmer here today than it was the last time we were


And no snow obviously lol... warm & muggy

That place would look amazing with snow. :D
Re: Post your pics! :)

So you don't have very bad SA then? ;)

I tend to get phases, the last two years I've found even messenger impossible and have not spoken about SA to people in real life. It does not affect me putting pics up.

I've had severe SA since grade 2... by severe I mean I had like 1 or no friends at any one time. And when I first found this site ~5 years ago I was a lurker. I used to go on the forum a lot but I'd never post anything. Even on the rare days I do post, I'd worry for days after about how people will react to it.

My SA has improved a lot over this past year. The most significant change is I don't avoid things as much as I used to. And I can actually be myself around certain people. And I find that I'm not as anxious as before about posting on this forum. This is a great community by the way. So this is where i'm coming from when I said a lot of the regular posters have less SA. But I guess I shouldnt generalize