On the Monday i found out he had asked one of my friends out over the weekend. I was crushed, i cried for days. LOL. Oh dear haha.
Oh and female wise itd be Jessica Alba and Amy Lee from Evanescence!
Remember Nash Bridges??
Ok Nope it's not the guy on the left, nope not Nash Bridges, Not Cheech either... See the goofy looking old guy with the Grateful Dead armband? That was the love of my life all thoughout my childhood and until they cancelled Nash Bridges hahaha
I get A LOT of flak about this one but I am absolutely head over heels for this guy. To put it simply, he's the most beautiful man I've ever seen. I could give a crap less what anyone else says..
Agreed! Lol, I've also had a huge crush on Chuck Norris so who am I to talk ::
Haha Epic Fail...lol j/k I already know who it is, I don't even need to see a picture to know it's that old man Anderson Cooper ::
Lol and thanks Illumination that was just weird haha