This is just all imo-She was out of order for sure,she called Dappy Vile and a looser,but two wrongs dont make a right,hes in the public eye and is going to get flak,sending death threats isnt the way to deal with it.
Shes a piece of crap too,but hes supposed to set an example with being in the spot light.
I agree with you 100%, but dappy takes a lot of slack off people, although it was wrong what he did, he had to explode sometime.
Like the other day he was phisically attaked by his girlfriend he had to have her arrested and goto hospital, but the press never made an issue of how he never hit her back and how he just walked out instead of carrying it on.
Yeah..The media did blow it up to be one sided.While I stick to what I said,and its kinda sad he did it on an anti bullying radio show.But he's only human.Still thats the media for you,you have to expect that crap when your famous sadly.
I use to really like Ndubz,especial Tulisa (yum) but I do think they have all got up themselves recently.I guess that much fame at that age would give anyone a huge confidence boost though.
tch, you people and celebrities :\
Ugh, you Nack with your slanted sideways mouthed emoticon.
Not all are celebrities of course.
I'd name a couple anime and comic book characters I'd love to have a fling with![]()
im in love with my dog charlie , were getting married next week