i'm extremely random. one of the many reasons why i don't talk too much. i always manage to confuse anyone i talk to. i'm also bipolar in the sense that i can be very straightforward in some cases and too figurative in others.
Oh, haha, well done on your mother for getting it waived. I'm sure if I did the same thing I would've been beheaded by my parents.when I was in 8th grade or so my friend and I called one of those "party lines" ya know the things in the back of magazines. Anyway, I didn't know it cost money, lots of money! my phone bill was like $1,000! My mom came and pulled me out of school & nearly killed me. Luckily she got it waved cos I was a minor. ha
i'm extremely judgemental
I understand why you're like this, and in a way I am the same, but the fact that you can still remain nice and friendly is a testament to your personality.I am more judgmental than I used to be - and less tolerant.
Which is kind of sad really. I am friendly but I am quite cynical too - I think people are a bit unsure of how to take me sometimes. My agreeableness is waning. I have an ambivalence toward my acceptance of humanity in general.
I am a nice person though - at least I would like to think.
I am not content with my share.
^ Nor have I. I just don't understand those types of shows or why they even exist.I have never watched an episode of Sex and the City, Jersey Shores, Bachelor/Bachelorette, Survivor, nor the Kardashians.
By choice. I've never had any interest.