Post a picture of your Obsession!


Well-known member

Is that you in that picture, dottie?


Well-known member
omg Puma I loooooved Ocarina of Time!!!! Hated Twilight Princess though ;/

I'm a big fan of the series also. TP I liked a lot until after you did the underwater temple then it started to go a bit downhill and fighting Zant was very disappointing


Well-known member
omg Puma I loooooved Ocarina of Time!!!! Hated Twilight Princess though ;/

Hm. I play Zelda from time to time. Unfortuanelty Wind Waker is scratched too deeply to get it to work passed the Nintendo logo ::(: Sucks. It was like my fav Zelda.

Also havent finished OoT xD But I'm in the middle of TP right now. Definetly way more different than any other Zelda game. In a good and bad way.


Well-known member
...Cambodia, Iraq, China, Uganda, Nigeria, Democratic Republic of Congo, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Burundi, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Algeria. It will continue to happen over and over and over again until there is an international effort to combat genocide proactively. Not wait 5 or 6 years, then when a quarter of a million people are dead, call it "ethnic cleansing" and warn them to stop without any intention of doing anything if they don't, then 15 years later arrest the perpetrators and sentence them to 5-10 years in prison. Remembering the past is only the first part of stopping genocide, the second is recognizing the warning signs that genocide is imminent, the third is actually doing something about it. I don't mean hold a benefit concert or a series of TV ads, or Bono, but using a 600 billion dollar defense budget for something useful for a change.

You're absolutely right. :) How many people really care, though? I mean, really give a ****. I'm pretty sure that genocide could have been prevented in each of the cases you've stated above if the powers that be really wanted to do so. People normally don't care about anyone else until things start affecting them. They might act only if they have a vested interest. Yes, I know that this is cynical, but that's simply how people are. Especially the ones who have the power and means to make real changes. Genocide is not about people simply wishing to slaughter one another for no reason. Someone obviously stands to profit out of it. I find it difficult to believe that governments around the world had no knowledge of the impending genocides that have taken place over the past century.
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Well-known member
Ever play a little game called Axis and Allies?

Surprisingly no. And my gaming group really only plays roleplaying games. Only one other guy enjoys drawn out strategy games like A&A and Risk. Another guy loves Twilight Imperium, but doesn't like other strategy games as much. I just need to find some new friends. Or get better at one on one interactions with people.



Well-known member
Surprisingly no. And my gaming group really only plays roleplaying games. Only one other guy enjoys drawn out strategy games like A&A and Risk. Another guy loves Twilight Imperium, but doesn't like other strategy games as much. I just need to find some new friends. Or get better at one on one interactions with people.


So when you say roleplaying and strategy games do you mean like computer ones or tabletop ones?


Well-known member

mma,since like 12 or 13 years ago lol

boxing,but it is harder to folow,I used to buy the ring magazine,but in english its to expensive here,I am only getting back to it

science news,its amazing how some people spew such bull**** about things,yet I see important discoveries made about those things everyday.
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Well-known member
Tabletop ones. d20s, d10s, d6s, that's how we roll.


That's cool. I have an Imperial Guard Warhammer 40,000 army. I've never actually played against anyone but I enjoyed collecting them and reading all the backstory and stuff.