One thing you would do without SA


I'd like to travel more overseas, I'm way too nervous about interacting with people all along the way, getting lost, cultural differences, and so on and so on.


Well-known member
I would contact a certain girl from my past...

Apply to be a pilot in the RAF...

If those two things worked out well I'd be happy for the rest of my life!
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Well-known member
Take public speaking class and acting class at local college. I'm actually doing it next semester :p


Active member
I would buy new sneakers... my current ones are damn old and wasted. It's stupid, but that just how ridiculous this is getting. Also maybe I would go to the dentist... and maybe to the doctor to check the stupid stomach rumbling... and maybe meet some new decent people... maybe even online without being an idiot with nothing to say,... maybe have at least a female friend,... maybe also meet a special woman to share at least a little bit of affection,... or maybe just getting a freaking job and earn some decent money...
Sorry for the bad vibes... ::eek::


Well-known member
I'd begin a beautiful bakery with colourful loaves of bread, bagels and baguettes . It would be filled with canaries, who would tweet happily as they indulge themselves in stray croissants.


Active member
I'd begin a beautiful bakery with colourful loaves of bread, bagels and baguettes . It would be filled with canaries, who would tweet happily as they indulge themselves in stray croissants.

I wish this bakery ^ existed :D

I would travel to all the places in the world I want to see, and spend much more time enjoying my own beautiful city.


Well-known member
1) Tell this girl how i feel about her
2) Talk to people without feeling intense uncomfort
3) Travel the world
4) Generally feel happy and actually wake up without the feeling of loneliness and dread


1) Promote my music - as opposed to guarding it fiercely and becoming distressed if anybody hears it

2) Travel, have a life
Where are my waffles?

I would sleep on a rooftop, for some reason I've always wanted to do that. Oh yeah, plus a whole bunch of other crazy nonsense. The only problem is planning it makes it less fun!


Re: Where are my waffles?

I would sleep on a rooftop, for some reason I've always wanted to do that. Oh yeah, plus a whole bunch of other crazy nonsense. The only problem is planning it makes it less fun!

Why can´t you do that now? Are there any people on the roof? Or are you afraid you might fall down on a busy street? :D
Crocodile Tears

Why can´t you do that now? Are there any people on the roof? Or are you afraid you might fall down on a busy street?

Well, it's difficult when your rooftop isn't flat, you'd roll right off!!!
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Well-known member
I think I probably would've had more than one boyfriend by now (I've had 0).

I also think I'd have more friends, and that I would hang out more with the friends I already have.