One quality your proud of.


Well-known member
I think I'm physically beautiful. Kind of how I wanted to look when I was younger. I lost 60 pounds after high school and started running. I eat a lot healthier to. It may not have solved my problems but I'm happy reached that particular goal.

(me in HS)


I look and feel like a different person and changed for the better. If I can do this then I know I can change other aspects of my life as well.

Wow! Now that is inspiration for me, great job!


Well-known member
I think I'm physically beautiful. Kind of how I wanted to look when I was younger. I lost 60 pounds after high school and started running. I eat a lot healthier to. It may not have solved my problems but I'm happy reached that particular goal.

I look and feel like a different person and changed for the better. If I can do this then I know I can change other aspects of my life as well.

Wow, you look great!


Well-known member
Wow, bsebring! What a change! It's great you set goals for yourself and really stuck with them. That's always a very difficult thing to do, for anybody. Great job!


Well-known member
Well I guess ive always been a trooper. I can take a hell of a beating and still get back up. Its like that quote from the rocky movies Its not about how many times you fall,but how many times you can fall and get back up


Well-known member
Well I guess ive always been a trooper. I can take a hell of a beating and still get back up. Its like that quote from the rocky movies Its not about how many times you fall,but how many times you can fall and get back up

You will never be known as invisibleman to me anymore, all I see now is ROCKY!! hahaha. Way to be a trooper, I feel I have the same quality


Well-known member
I'm ambitious to the point of absurdity considering my objective worth to society.

I feel as though that's not a quality many would be proud of. Maybe I'm weird.

Edit: Yep, I'm definitely weird.


Well-known member
I'm very up front with my opinion. A little too much.

I say things that make people uncomfortable all the time.
Like," I think you have cute eyes." to a random guy I just started talking to. I don't see what's wrong with saying things like that People take statements like that too seriously.


Well-known member
Like," I think you have cute eyes." to a random guy I just started talking to. I don't see what's wrong with saying things like that People take statements like that too seriously.
He was probably just taken aback by a random girl telling him he had cute eyes. Being upfront about everything is not a bad quality as long as you don't go all Larry David on everyone (if you've ever seen Curb Your Enthusiasm, you will get the reference ::p:).


Well-known member
He was probably just taken aback by a random girl telling him he had cute eyes. Being upfront about everything is not a bad quality as long as you don't go all Larry David on everyone (if you've ever seen Curb Your Enthusiasm, you will get the reference ::p:).

I don't blame him. I just like to make people feel good and see they have good qualities, it comes off as a come on. I've heard of that show, but never watched it. Is it funny? I suppose the man is kinda vulgar?

On topic...

I'm very honest. Even when I shouldn't be, I mean, I probably shouldn't tell people I just scratched my butt and put my hand in the bag of chips there all eating. I could keep that to myself.


Well-known member
I don't blame him. I just like to make people feel good and see they have good qualities, it comes off as a come on. I've heard of that show, but never watched it. Is it funny? I suppose the man is kinda vulgar?
He is honest to the point of insulting and that's what makes the show funny. Oh, and everyone being angry at Larry. It's a cringe-worthy show but worth the watch.

That's awesome that you want to make people feel good. Not enough of you in the world.

I'm very honest. Even when I shouldn't be, I mean, I probably shouldn't tell people I just scratched my butt and put my hand in the bag of chips there all eating. I could keep that to myself.
Honesty of this nature would be hilarious, actually. :)


Well-known member
He is honest to the point of insulting and that's what makes the show funny. Oh, and everyone being angry at Larry. It's a cringe-worthy show but worth the watch.

That's awesome that you want to make people feel good. Not enough of you in the world.

Honesty of this nature would be hilarious, actually. :)

I'm gonna have to watch that, it sounds hilarious. I love rudely honest people, they crack me up.
The world would end if there were more of me, because there couldn't be enough Mountain Dew. When it all ran out, we would all go mad and kill everyone.

I suppose if your not the one receiving the awkward stares, it would be pretty funny. No body would eat my snacks again, that's for sure....

I have to do that the next time I get a bag of Cheetos.

On topic...

I'm very grateful for the people and things I have in my life.


Well-known member
I don't drink Mountain Dew, so get cloning! :D


I can't believe you don't drink Mountain Dew, Mikey, your really missing out, it's the sh!t. What do you drink then?


Lets see...

I make people feel awesome because I'm easily impressed.

I'm not sure if these are qualities, oh well, they are now!