Hie yer hence from me heath!
Thinkin' about doing myself in...
Hud enough o' huvin to tolerate the stupidity and ignorance that flows from my mother and sister's mouths on a daily basis. Constantly huvin to agree n' validate every idea or suggestion they make to me. Since criticism ain't taken so well by the wimmin in my immediate family. Cuz, y'know, cannae be huvin their son and wee brother huvin a mind o' his own, can we now? :kickingmyself:
But that how it is now, isn't it? Can't disagree or you'll hurt somebuddy's feelings. :crying: Sad c*nts!
And this f*ckin' blame culture, where it's always tha man's fault, innit? Cuz, apparently, feminist logic dictates that wimmin do f*ck all wrong, know everything and perfect. At least, that the rhetoric that my family huv been slapping me in the face n' kickin' me in tha bawz with fur the last 15 years.
And they wonder why am I the way I am. But again, that's my fault as well, according to them.
Nothing to do with being raised in household where the wimmin are prone to violent. sweary tantrums and startin' arguments over the most trivial things. Nope! But, the f**k do I know, eh? I'm merely an observer, keep to masel' and shake my head.
mg: Doubt moving out would make a lick o' different to be honest. Since they'd still find a way to make my life as miserable as they do now. With the constant contradicting me, telling me what I can n' can't do. To the point where I've just stopped caring or making an effort.
Hud enough o' huvin to tolerate the stupidity and ignorance that flows from my mother and sister's mouths on a daily basis. Constantly huvin to agree n' validate every idea or suggestion they make to me. Since criticism ain't taken so well by the wimmin in my immediate family. Cuz, y'know, cannae be huvin their son and wee brother huvin a mind o' his own, can we now? :kickingmyself:
But that how it is now, isn't it? Can't disagree or you'll hurt somebuddy's feelings. :crying: Sad c*nts!
And this f*ckin' blame culture, where it's always tha man's fault, innit? Cuz, apparently, feminist logic dictates that wimmin do f*ck all wrong, know everything and perfect. At least, that the rhetoric that my family huv been slapping me in the face n' kickin' me in tha bawz with fur the last 15 years.
And they wonder why am I the way I am. But again, that's my fault as well, according to them.