Going to the Edinburgh Festival again this year next week. It's my 5th time attending, but my 4th consecutive year attending the festival. And... I'm not looking forward to it. :sad: Feeling quite guilty about going and having a good time with all the drama that's been gan oan it home with ma family. And my older sister and nieces are comin' over next week as well.
But I feel if I don't going to Edinburgh, I'll just go to ma local train, wait and...
Oh, one under. Sorry for the delay on yer train journey, folks
I mean, doesnae seem right. Me away laughin' n' being happy, does it? Hardly fair oan them, is it? But it hardly fair on me, either. Considering I just have to put up with the drama. And appease the bitches. And they, feeling guilty for me point out how bat-shit crazy they collectively are go:
"Sorry, ah didnae mean it! Ah know I'm no the easiest person tae live with. Forgive me? Ah love you" 
Sending the message that as long as yer a wummin, you can get away with anything. Cuz you'll get aw the sympathy, despite the untold misery you've caused. Then, of course, there's the double standard of demanding respect from men. But in the same breath treating men with nae respect.
Not say all wimmin are like this, of course. Just the ones I grew-up around.
Anyway, ah know all the family BS is going loom over every Edinburgh show I've booked to see this year. Ah know it will. So much so, that next year, I'm thinking just going to the comedienne that wasn't doing this year, if she's planning on doing a run of shows in Edinburgh next year.
Diane Spencer
Don't know if she'll still recognise me? :bigsmile: What with me being specky, tattooed, bald f*ckwit with a beard. Mibbe? :question:
Ah don't even feel like wearing any joke t-shirts, either. Just not in the mood for 'em now. Even though I'd originally plan to buy new ones. But...