Hie yer hence from me heath!
Ah tell ye aboot it later. Cuz I'm currently enjoying the tranquillity. :bigsmile: And I've treated masel' tae a bottle o' this... :brindis:

Making the most of the quality alone time i see! :thumbup:
The top half of that bottle look like the album cover of a heavy metal band!
What are ye mixing it with? Or are ye having it on the rocks?
Sounds amazing, what with "56 herbs and spices". Almost sounds like a health elixir. Does it taste any good? Closest to it what i drink is "Captain Morgan's" spiced rum.
I've thought that of the Jägermeister logo as well.It could either be a metal album cover or the cover for some weird prog-rock album
Found one with a stag...
Sounds like ya need to get "bladdered" mate (drunk). Shame about the bottle getting lost in mail. Could you go to the pub? Might lift ye spirits. Just be careful tho, as altho alcohol can relieve you of tensions, the stuff it brings up can be tricky to handle. That's why persoanlly, i always drink alone, as for me, people & alcohol don't mix. I just listen to music, & do stuff on the pc, which helps to keep my mind focussed on "safe" things.
And what about playing some heavy metal music? I mean REAL HARD-CORE heavy metal music. That's good for rage/etc.
I just thought of an idea. What if you go see a councellor or therapist, with the sole intention of finding out how you can escape your living situation. I'm sure they'll have plenty of info about that & other mental-health issues. You don't have to talk about your problems either - you can just give em the basics of your situation, of how intolerable it is & has been, how you often think suicidal thoughts, etc. They might be able to find emergency housing for you, at least. I think it could be worth a shot, worth the inconvenience of seeing a therapist. Or maybe try ringing a suicide hotline? Or both?? Whatever the case, maybe it's time to start taking practical action on the matter of your living situation?
I think your mom is just mad that she isn't a man, Graeme.
Piecing things together, she seems to suffer from a whopping case of penis envy. Everything she does reads like an abusive father/husband - right down to writing-off her stabbing of you as "only joking" (!).
Isn't that what abusive men do? Blame the victim and dismiss their valid concerns and protests as mere petulance and overreacting?
I think maybe her whole "Men are crap" angle boils down to simple jealousy.
Of course, I don't think I'd tell her that.![]()
^ It sounds like your mother and sisters are just extremely immature people who have never really bothered to GROW UP.
They act like teenagers.
Btw......true Feminists don't actually believe "all men are b@$%@#s".
Your mother and sisters are not true Feminists, Graeme. They just use that as a cloak to cover their immaturity, just as some people use religion for the same reason.
And, given how her and her daughters always prefer hear words that validate their feelings, rather than the truth. Ah think they'll take issue with going like this: :idontknow: If asked to give my opinion on the situation.[/I]
If i'm nae mistaken, aren't most women like this, whereby they're EXTRA sensitive about personal matters. So you gotta talk to their emotional side (feelings) rather than to their logical (facts) side, the latter which men do very well, but the former not so well.
Add to the fact that they're "feminists" (or self-righteous bitches), then it's DOUBLY hard to talk to them in a manner which they appreciate.