:kickingmyself: How does it feel to be taken seriously, eh?
Me? Ah couldnae tell ye,
Bloody laugh a minute with me, so it. Sorry for this wee mini-rant, ah've just noticed when I'm outnumbered 2 - 1 by the opposite gender, they tend to try n' provoke me alot. Particularly ma mum n' older sister.
Anyway, ma oldest sister, whom ah trust enough to be ma personal podiatrist wus making sure my feet were okay, offer to look over ma feet, since she wus staying for her tea. So, I'm lying on ma bed, ma sisters at the foot of it scrapping away at the calus skin on ma feet, when our mum comes upstairs to tell my sister something.
Then she start her usual eccentric, daft as f**k routine. Basically the yin thing she never does out in public. So, she's gan on this surreal tangent. Ma sisters laughing, certainly, I'm lying there, hands over face, just wish it would end.

mg: Laughing more ironically than genuinely. In that
"Urgh! Why tha f**k do I endure this?!" way, than finding the humour in the situation.
When suddenly, she starts on me, right? This wus provoked by ma sister telling my mum to leave us be and get ma feet done in peace. But no, she's huv'nae nae o' it, like?
"Ooh! D'ye want me tae leave? Tell me tae f**k off, then? Graeme, c'mon tell me tae eff off.", smirk on her face because she knows I tend to mean it when I say those words. Though, ah really should've went:
"Off?! Off is the direction ah kindly want you tae f**k", but not wanting to be rude and paraphrase a classic Billy Connolly joke. Nor wanting another belter of a line repeated by my oldest sibling. I decided to keep schtum.
Ah just respond in kind with: "Ah would, but you tend to storm off in the huff when ah dae!",
This response prompted what I can only assume was a genuine single "Ha!" laugh from my oldest sister, still working away at my feet. Our mum instictively goes into denial, which is common when I've state something that is factually true about her.
"Aye, yeh dae...", I stop myself before I drag up a heated argument from my late teens, where in I had argument with her and angrily stormed off in tears.
My sister interjects with: "Well yous hud plenty an argument when you", nodding at me, "...hud tae sleep doonstair at the start of last year"