It's lazy (& irrational) thinking on their part. There's a name for that category of incorrect thinking .. i cannae think of what its named right now tho..
(perhaps exaggerating? labelling?)
Sounds more like labelling to me, or making assumptions more to the point. Since my family cannae really be arsed to get to know me as a person. They'd rather pass judgement on me based upon how I carry myself, my taste in music, pop culture and books. So y'know... Angry. Anti-social, etc.
To be honest, my immediate family would be much happier if I was just like them. Y'know, eccentric, loud, obnoxious, prone to speaking without thinking. Instead of this somewhat funny, slightly intelligent, introverted lad with a twisted sense of humour.
This is related to a post i just did, about being blamed, an feelin guitly.
They're ignorant about how their treating you affects your feelings. All they can "see" is you being "anti-social" & even "superior", prefering the company of "better" things than them. I'm not sure how you could teach them the truth about that, as they seem too far gone to be "teachable" :question:
Ah hope this doesnae sound like me getting defensive, but...
While yer right as far them not taking into account the way they treat me and how I feel because of that. Yer actually spot on about them seeing me "anti-social" because my oldest sister actually re-introduced to a cousin I hadn't seen in years as being just that. Make the "Hullo" and handshake awkaward as f**k, like.
As far as being
"superior" or
"better", I've never felt that way about myself. In fact, I've spent much of my life feeling like a failure in many ways. But I think my family have this image of me as
"better" than them is more down to me being an introverted, and being much the opposite of my sisters and mum as far as personality and interests.
Plus, and I don't say this to brag in anyway, I think they're projecting onto me. In that, they feel jealousy of how I'm able to teach myself how to do stuff. As well as my tendency to be quite disciplined if I sent my mind on achieving something. Beit in my guitar playing, losing weight and trying to stay in shape. Y'know, that typical single-minded focus blokes tend to have when they go about doing something, where nothing can get in the way.
Ah mean, they're always, either laughing at me for this, or praising me while feeling sorry themselves say:
"Ah wish ah could be like you and do that..."
When they could actually learn a musical instrument or lose weight and get in shape if they put their mind to actually do those things. Instead of saying they should do 'em, and just being lazy.
Though, I'm hardly some inspiration, talking like Tony Robbins, here. I'm just as lazy as the rest of my family at times. Procrastinating n' that, but boredom and realising things need to get done eventually are usually what makes me get off ma arse and do summit. Unless, of course, I've got my heart set on doing it, then that single, focused approach comes in handy.