Hie yer hence from me heath!

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Not sayin that outside "support" is useless, but by me own experiences they are almost as good as useless, as per sorting things out, fixing problems, or improving things. I throw everything in that category - family, friends, therapist, social worker, depression/etc hotlines, ..No-one to turn to for help, support or understanding. No friends. Nothing!
Not sayin that outside "support" is useless, but by me own experiences they are almost as good as useless, as per sorting things out, fixing problems, or improving things. I throw everything in that category - family, friends, therapist, social worker, depression/etc hotlines, ..
Notherwords, the only person who can help ye, is yerself .. is what i say.
I've recently begun writing a new software, which i havent done for a good wee time (start a new one, that is). I stumbled onto a website with old photos of actresses (& actors) of the golden age of film, mainly 40s/50s, but also some 30s & 60s. So i have found it fulfilling & stimulating to try to get to know all the actresses by name. And i'm entering data about any "good" photos (legs, sexy, ***, tits, blonde/brunette, classic beauty, ..). So once i write the code, i'll be able to click a button, and a random photo will show, & i'll have to try to put a name to the face/body. Also i will be able to select which photos to show (eg only sexy blondes). Spending hours per day doing all this data entry stuff, which is filling in the time very nicely! (nice for a change to not be bored!)
Like me, you've been given a MULTI-dose of trouble in life, which makes life nigh upon impossible to manage! :kickingmyself:Huv'nae really been feelin' great, lately. Been thinkin' a lot aboot death n' that. Not in a morbid or suicidal sense, just generally. Not sure if that's more related to the fact I'm approaching 30 and feel like ah've done sweet eff all with ma life up to this point? Well, nowt except waste and f**k-up at every possible sign of change or opportunity.
Don't know, man... It's been difficult for me. No just living with the disabled, but just growing up aroon some very dysfunctional people. I mean, not that I'm any better - far from it. It's just looking back, ah see many of the contradictions and lies that were told to me as genuine truth, growing up. Ah still don't know how ma mum expected me to turn out when she wus forcing me to adopt her views and beliefs without question - despite the glaring contradictions and mixed messages. :idontknow:
Most of which come from the strict, feminist and religious upbringing I had to endure. It's not easy growing up without yer dad and being expected to be "The Man" of family, having never been taught how to fulfill that role. Though, in many ways I did, given the amount of times I'd put aside my own needs and neglect myself to make those around me happy.
Not that I hate them in any way. I just hate how I wus treated, and still am to a degree. Like being told I'm "unapproachable". Which does nothing expect making feel even more self-conscious, given how often my family make mention of my size.
Sorry, don't mean to ramble on about this again. It's just, some remarks made to me yesterday by my oldest sister - while not negative - kinda brought up a conflicting feelings
Well, i guess that's what i'm sayin, in not so many words. But don't go overboard about it neither, as then that can become boring. For me, my latest "hobby" combines a few things that i like ("drivers" or "motivators", like): programming, creating lists, & looking a pictures of hot women. All combined, they make for me a "hobby". So with music, you will have to find a way of doing that hobby, that involves the aforementioned "drivers" (triggers them each time you do it). Perhaps you like creating, well then you could try to create your own music (incl writing lyrics); or you might like the process of learning & perfecting the playing of others songs.So, ye think getting back into a neglected hobby, like playing music, would prove beneficial? :question:
Like me, you've been given a MULTI-dose of trouble in life, which makes life nigh upon impossible to manage! :kickingmyself:
For you:
- disability
- no father
- dysfunctional family
- mixed race
- (& perhaps one or two other things?)
For me:
(well, i cannae really be bothered listing all the troubles i have, theres be just many of em!)
Well, i guess that's what i'm sayin, in not so many words. But don't go overboard about it neither, as then that can become boring. For me, my latest "hobby" combines a few things that i like ("drivers" or "motivators", like): programming, creating lists, & looking a pictures of hot women. All combined, they make for me a "hobby".
So with music, you will have to find a way of doing that hobby, that involves the aforementioned "drivers" (triggers them each time you do it). Perhaps you like creating, well then you could try to create your own music (incl writing lyrics); or you might like the process of learning & perfecting the playing of others songs.
Your mum does sound like the type of person who really never grew up, but is still a teenager with attitude, or younger (ie like a child who has a temper tantrum). Many people never grow up, but are kids in adult bodies, with adult clothes, & adult possessions.My mum throw a tantrum and yelled at me today, just because I was trying to be helpful. Control freak, much? :kickingmyself: She just f**kin' throw a wobbly and started acting like child who just got telt they couldnae have what they wanted. For no reason... :idontknow:
Your mum does sound like the type of person who really never grew up, but is still a teenager with attitude, or younger (ie like a child who has a temper tantrum). Many people never grow up, but are kids in adult bodies, with adult clothes, & adult possessions.