Ye certainly have more of a life than i do, what with seein all those gigs.
And THE WHO - i'm seriously envious, as theyve always been one of my favorite rock bands.
Aye, ah guess so - doesnae feel like it, mind you.
This upcoming gig will be ma 2nd time seeing The Who. Sorry, if I'm makin' ye mair jealous. :bigsmile: Ah saw them for the first time 2 years ago in Glasgow on St. Andrew's Day. They'll be back in Glasgow on the 29th of August, which is also the last day of Edinburgh Fringe festival. So, if ah can get a final Fringe show during that last weekend of the festival, The Who would be a nice way to round things off efter spendin' much of August in the Scottish capital.
I've only been to 2 concerts ever, both a long time ago: Dire Straits, & Split Enz (new zealand band), plus saw at new years eve in pub 2 local bands Dave Dobynn & the Exponents.
Dire Straits - aw man, that must've been some gig. Slightly envious as ah've been fan since ma mum introduced me to their music, well over 10 years ago. Huv'nae been a huge fan of Mark Knopfler's solo career, but love his guitar playin' style.
Due to my SA/SP concerts are hard for me, so i dont go to them (if only i cukd be a "fly on the wall" tho!). Also i dont do pubs/clubs/etc for same reason (& probably couldnt even handle going to anything else entretainment, eg broadway musical, classical orchestra, comedy, ...).
So my life is as dull as u can find... :sad:
Sorry tae hear that, slowesthand. To be fair, aw the concerts are difficult for me as well due to ma SP. Especially since folk huv struck up conversation with me outta naewhere - like last year at AC/DC and more recently at ELO where this older wummin and her husband started chattin' to me and ma oldest sister.
The only broadway musicial I've seen is
Avenue Q - which is basically an adult parody of
Sesame Street.

And I'll be going to this Scottish musical at the end of May
Ah've never been to any classical music concerts, though ma sister always havering oan aboot how she'd love to go to the BBC Proms at the Royal Albert Hall, and ah've mentioned to her about it. Cuz ah'd love go anaw. But sadly we've never been. Knowin' ma luck she'll probably go with her boyfriend instead if she ever books tickets for it. As for comedy gigs, well speakin' fae experience huvin been to a fair few. It's the worst sittin' in the front row.

mg: Ma first time at the Edinburgh Fringe festival still haunts me. Ah cun look back n' laugh now. But at the time, ah nearly fuct up the debut Edinburgh show for a fairly well-known American stand-up comic and actress.
Though this year's probably going to be slight better, even if both the Scottish comedians I'm going to see will likely recognise me. As I saw yin o' them during the Glasgow Comedy Festival back in March. And much like last year, Fred MacAulay will definitely recognise me, sittin' at the side of the stage. Ah doubt he's forgetten shakin' ma hand as ah left his 2014 Fringe show for my reaction to a particularly dark, poor-taste joke which had the rest of his audience gaspin' in shock. And me almost sliding outta ma wheelchair, laughin' hysterically.
Ah don't do pubs or clubs either, so yer not alone there. Not just cuz of SP, but ah've never been huge of that thumping techno club music, or gettin' drunk to the point ah cun barely walk. Did that at 14, and vowed never to get that shit-faced again.
As with pubs, ah dinnae follow the fitbaw (football) as closely as ah used to, so dinnae see the point of gan oot tae the pub. When Manchester United hud them championship cup wins for 3 years straight between, wus it 1997 til 1999? That the last time ah followed that sport regularly. Whereas now ah'll watch the occassional match here n' there... But don't huv same, almost religious, devotion to as some blokes do.