Ah wonderin' if ma life would've turn oot differently if ah'd been adopted...? :thinking:
Quite possibly, but not
too different, as you're still have the same basic personailty, your cerebral-palsy, look the same, etc. You'd just live in a different town (& maybe even country), have different schooling, different friends, maybe different hobbies (but interests might be almost the same), maybe better self-belief (if good foster parents), have different siblings, have different experiences growing up, & if yer lucky have less "hang-ups" about the past, people & what-not. The "nature" would be the same, but the "nurture" would or could be quite different i would say.
(i don't mean ta "burst yer bubble" mate!)
The formative years (up to about 4-5) are
incredibly important. Its then that you learn patterns of emotional functioning which you are basically stuck with for life.
But whit can ye dae...? There's nae gettin' through tae folk who are too set in their ways tae change for the better
That's true. My old folks never have wanted or willing to change, perhaps work on some of their personality flaws. Whenever i have ever broached such topics, they tend to get very aggro, enraged in fact, in a passive-aggressive kind of way, spewing out disgusting counter-attack comments, which end up angering or enraging me ... so i have learnt to avoid all that drama.
It's also kinda ironic that aw ma good memories were times spent ootside tha family hoose, away somewhere. Free uh that feelin' that ye were under the thumb aw the time, apprehensive tae speak up for fear you'd be telt yer wrong
Yeah, i can see that you certainly have gotten some "complexes" from all that stuff growing up .. but you're alone in that mate i can assure you...