Sorry ta hear about that mate... :sad:
But yer not alone. Am srugglin' meself ti keep ma spirits up an' all. In fact am in a wee bit of a "mini-crisis" (wich is kinda a moreorless constant in ma life). Drinkin the ol dram ev'ry day .. scotch whskey, vodka, capt'n morgans (pirate rum) .. strait frm bottle .. no muckin about eh, hehe. Ae, it seems the ol spirits are tha one main thing ta "keepin ma sprites up", lol

...... (that an computr in bed, an bit of tv, an youtube music vids plyed thru stereo! ... but other than that, pretty much everythng else good in ma shitty life is just pissed off into the nether .. or maybe whit i
imagined to be good .. but good or bad, evrythng's in a constant state of decay & dyin, which tbh is kinda buggin me a bit at tha mo' .. seems like ther's no real, solid "company" anymore .. losing ma "conection" wi fings). But as i say, i'am stubbinly refusing to let the deprssion/lethrgy/darknes/woe/sdness/etc/etc return .. as i keep my relentless forceful push aginst the imense weight of the negative "downwrds force" on ma whole being .. which if i ALLOW it will push me all the way down into the dirty, dark, wet, stinkin, filthy pit of complete despair & hopelssnes). True enuf tho, it all seems like a reglar, ineviatble cycle of UP..UP..UP, then DOWN..DOWN..DDOWN, to a cmplete "train crsh", coming right off th rails... :crying:
So, its hard yakka, but sometimes all ye can do is jst ta KEEP FIGHTIN against this "darkness force". But what that could consist of, could well be just whats INSIDE of us (ya knaw, our wee subcnscous shite 'n that .. which im bound to now suspctin' is not such that "wee" after all, but rather mmore "WOE" than prevoiusly thorght!)
Also it AINT jst me an yu bud, that aint too happy right naw, but i get this sorta
more-down-than usual "vibe" from this forum (ya know, judging by the latest new thraeds n thit)
So who knoes, it culd be sth from th "mighty univerwse" thats tryin to give much poeple right naw, some "real quality down time". Who knows eh??? ... is what i say ... could be some prtty major forces at play ... so one MUST NOT give up the fight TODAY!!!......... (a wee bonny ryhme for ya, ta end ma post!, hehe

; )