no friends to meet with


am i the only one here, who also doesnt meet friends for like months..

i am not social at all, i do want to

but i dont have friends

and when i try to meet someone, i get super anxious and feel like there is a continuesly tension so i cant relax and it gets awkward and i just get terrified

i feel so awful when i look at fb and see all people having fun

am i the only one


Well-known member
Hello there,

Well for me its the same I have been house bound and only leave my home a handful of times a year for the last 8yrs as time goes by and slowly bit by bit stop replying to friends and slowly started going out less my friends moved on moved away settled down and so now I am alone but in messed up way yeah sometimes I do miss having friends but mostly I like to stay on my own I like to chat online and talk for hours when I'm in a chatty mood but the outside world real life friends are all to stressful for me

But your not alone hunny there are others out there that have zero friends in real life


Well-known member
I feel the same. I dont have anyone to share my feelings and i never to do well in groups.
I now know i can never have friends and ..yeah its lonely.
That fb thing; why fb is there? I m seriously thinking of deleting..deactivatin whatever.


Well-known member
Do you feel, as I, that this world has rules you're not aware of?
Everyone but me seems to know exactly what to do when they meet new ppl


Hie yer hence from me heath!
Naw, yer not alone there, darlin'.

I'm exactly the same. The anxiousness. Feelin' awkward. Facebook.

Aye, ah can definitely relate.


Well-known member
I only have a couple of friends but they're distant friends and I rarely see them. One moved to another city last year so I see her even less now. I had a pretty good online friend I used to talk to fairly often, but he seems to have disappeared from the internet. I kinda miss that.


have too many issues. thouht i had frieds but they mostly had sa and have given up on me so im back to having no friends. im back to the sa sites but this time i cba with them. i already knw most of the people on other ones than this anyway and it honestly feels liek im nobody and nobody cares to get to know me or ......blah.
I have joined (think thats it) but may not be available where you live..its a website where input your hobbies and it comes up with groups that meet...I have joined a social anxiety meetup and they meet up regularly where I live, ive already been to one meetup with another group..its really relaxed and people just meet who want to make new friends..really love the idea as I dont have any friends, good to do different things.


Well-known member
The only reason why I considered not talking with people for me is how I have been treated(how I'm still treated) People have treated me like a ton of trash being thrown out of a garbage can. Only few nice adults and kids I have grew a liking towards, however, I don't like facebook. I see no point of it. The statuses everybody posts on there is a joke and have no decency of respect. Even pointless comments who really gives a sh*t about anyways. It's good that their are sites people can communicate on with, but I think others like My space, Face book, all that "hip" and "cool" sort of thing should be prohibited.


I'm the same way. I don't really have any friends apart from my room mate (also my best friend). Living with her makes me feel awful though because she doesn't go out as often as she used to and I feel like I had something to do with that.


School finished and I put it behind me

One new town of university and never thought of anywhere else. Lived with campus people for 4 years. Even a jail year in between wasn't hard to get back to and rejoin. Suggested job to get into was magic for the last year / 6 months, exams... new grad job

Saw uni as my life forever. Everyone disappeared. New set of non-educational friends was OK

All school & student friends on FB. Good life cling, but all students have new family.

Last real world meeting was December. Quite a solemn year, after regularly meeting a few of us every week for years back. Now the signal is dead. It's been the way for every employment, each friend. I've seen the trend.

Maybe I'm in the wrong town

Turned down invitation to a wedding next month, remembering my last 4+ weddings since 2008. About... 30 before 2008... outside my comfort zone. I have a big mixture of a wedding being a joke to most of my closest friends... we never do that, or to respect people who want to... if the other's family makes it crucial...

My town

part of it as a student. Not one unknown face among 100 - 1,000s on a night out. Now everyone is anonymous here. So am I. What's happened? I have to tone up my social muscles, and flex them.

Do we feel similar? I have never been 100% unsociable. Never anti-social. Changes over time. Cold.

Where's my standard life with a partner, cars, home, DIY, kids, holiday, pension? I haven't killed anyone?

6 pensions burning out. Petering out. I knew they would

Life starts at 17. All good things come to an end

Time to pair up with anyone the same age?
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Well-known member

am i the only one here, who also doesnt meet friends for like months..

i am not social at all, i do want to

but i dont have friends

and when i try to meet someone, i get super anxious and feel like there is a continuesly tension so i cant relax and it gets awkward and i just get terrified

i feel so awful when i look at fb and see all people having fun

am i the only one

I know how you feel. I can't for the life of me make an effort to keep friends so people just drift away.

I think what it is is that I feel super awkward with people and don't know what to talk about so I make excuses and isolate myself.....I am running away from the thing I fear ie keeping a convo going and keeping the other person entertained.

I've just lost yet another friend/love interest due to me avoiding her. She basically kept asking me to visit her since Jan and I kept making excuses, until she got fed up and now has not messaged me in weeks. She thinks I don't care about her but I do.


Well-known member
Yeah, I understand what you mean, after recently having lost the last few people who I used to talk with I just stopped believing in 'friendship'...It seems like no matter where I go, what I do no one freaking likes me. It pisses me off because I don't know what I'm doing wrong and they just stop talking to me out of the blue. I never got so much as a hint for why I'm being avoided. That's life though, no other way around it. I just wish things were different. Wish I was treated with respect just like anyone else.

FB just gets me depressed whenever I'm on it...don't remind me -___-
I've only had one friend in life that I hung out with or even saw/talked to outside of school or work, and it was always her initiating the meet-ups or outings, that's probably why she eventually stopped contacting me years ago. Other than that, I've never learned how to make friends, and I'm still too scared to ever initiate anything on my own. Even my ex-husband always complained about having to be the one coming up with ideas and initiating everything we did together. I guess I've been feeling a little puzzled and a smidge bitter that no one ever tries to initiate with me, even though I know I should be learning to do it as well, I guess it doesn't seem worth the effort or seems likely to end in rejection if I try, so that's an excuse not to. I feel like an invisible freak who doesn't get talked to, invited anywhere, and may as well not even exist.


Active member
You have to be social for people to want to hang out with you. I found out once people see you as quiet or shy they start to hate you and will ignore you. Try to be witty and funny
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Well-known member
I meet friends regularly twice a week. On tuesday, I cook dinner together with some friends, and on sunday I watch some movies with friends. Every now and then I meet them on other occasions (like board game evenings or whatever), but not that often.

I guess having a hobby is the easiest way to make friends. Like, if you like board games like me, check out board game evenings in the city and visit them. There you'll make friends.

Another is by finding people who are like you on the internet, with websites such as okcupid.