Name your current nemesis in life right now


Well-known member
For me it's laundry, and I am losing the war against its choking, clogging, omnipresence...
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Re: Name your current life's nemesis

Washing the dirty dishes.
It is left to the very last possible moment that I can't put it off any longer!:bigsmile:


Well-known member
i forgot to mention stifling. the laundry just claws at my feet all over the floor, dragging me to a crawl like twisted vines from a swamp. i wish someone would invent clothes that disolved in the shower...
I have a lot of things troubling me, and they'll all need a lot of attention, but right now the most pressing thing is figuring out my path in life. My options are dwindling and it's making me panic.
Life. Sometimes I think I'd rather be an observer than a participant. So far I'm mostly succeeding, if not for the stress and anxiety of responsibility and just being an adult. :sad: