My "whatever" journal.


Well-known member
December 25 2011 10:24

Today was a really good day started out kinda.... sad? Just not motivated really and frustrated by it but once I took a shower it was good lol Played monopoly again, ate a really good Christmas eve dinner, opened gifts, then went for a walk and now I'm watching Graham norton :D

EDIT: You know I think I accidently put December 25th when really it was the 24th when I wrote this lol
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Well-known member
December 26 2011 8:50

OMG I am so freaking tired! I spent all day at the mall and boy was it busy. I got a lot of things a few which are a Harry Potter calendar for next year, a Doctor Who shirt, and Sailor Moon manga so it was worth it! All in all it was a good day gotta another one ahead of me tomorrow, wish me luck! XD


Well-known member
A Sailor Moon manga, huh? Which issue did you get and where'd you get it from? It's a really old series and so I thought that it wasn't it publication anymore. Good luck out there tomorrow though:)! At least it's cleared out a little bit since Christmas passed!


Well-known member
A Sailor Moon manga, huh? Which issue did you get and where'd you get it from? It's a really old series and so I thought that it wasn't it publication anymore. Good luck out there tomorrow though:)! At least it's cleared out a little bit since Christmas passed!

Yea they started to re issue it a few months ago, I got it from Books-A-Million. It was volume 2 I have volume one as well. :] Thanks, that's what I'm hoping!


Well-known member
December 31 2011 7:14 PM:

Well its new years eve!! I'm still a little anxious especially about the upcoming year but I'm gonna try to enjoy myself tonight, gonna have some bar-b-q and do some fireworks at home so hopefully it'll be a good night to start a good new year. Happy new year everyone!! :D


Well-known member
January 4 2012 (Wow!!) 8:00 PM:

First post of 2012, woot-woot!! On my "journal" at least lol Anyways today was good, long and kinda busy, but good. I got up early sat around for a while. got ready, went out to eat with my sister then went to get my haircut(I like it :]). And then we went to the exchange (navy store) got a nice pandora bracelet, no charm though, but I still like it. Finally came home and now I'm FINALLY resting (so freaking tired and my neck hurts :/) and enjoying some good t.v :D. Hope everybody else had a good day and a good new year so far.
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Well-known member
Sounds like you've had quite the day! Nothing like a good rest after a massive day, which, as it seems, was good for you. :)


Well-known member
Sounds like you've had quite the day! Nothing like a good rest after a massive day, which, as it seems, was good for you. :)

I always need a rest once I get home lol

Yea it was good for me but I think all this going out is making me sick :/


Well-known member
January 8 2012 10:20 PM:

I hate being depressed, restless, and just having a total lack of energy. And the thing that really sucks is I can't seem to just break down and I think that would really help. I know its probably cause I haven't gotten out lately but its just...hard you know? And its really starting to get to me. *shrugs* I don't know I guess its better than having a panic attack I just wish I could be happy and normal again.



Well-known member
January 8 2012 10:20 PM:

I hate being depressed, restless, and just having a total lack of energy. And the thing that really sucks is I can't seem to just break down and I think that would really help. I know its probably cause I haven't gotten out lately but its just...hard you know? And its really starting to get to me. *shrugs* I don't know I guess its better than having a panic attack I just wish I could be happy and normal again.


Ive been feeling the exact same lately. I think its because its the middle of winter and we have absolutely no snow. winter is my favourite because of all the snow we usually get. things just don't seem real lately. Its like I'm caught in some time vortex, bah its hard to explain. but yeah, i hope you can get out of this rut soon and feel better.


Well-known member
Ive been feeling the exact same lately. I think its because its the middle of winter and we have absolutely no snow. winter is my favourite because of all the snow we usually get. things just don't seem real lately. Its like I'm caught in some time vortex, bah its hard to explain. but yeah, i hope you can get out of this rut soon and feel better.

Its nice to know I'm not alone. Well I'm from florida so it never snows lol I'm sorry you feel like that, it sounds worse than just being in a funk. Me too and I hope you start feeling better as well, thanks for commenting :]


Well-known member
Have you tried going out to exercise? That seems to be able lift up people's spirits. Since you spent today resting (I assume), why don't you make up for it tomorrow by getting at least one thing done, make that your goal. Like, for me, since I did the same thing you did, tomorrow, I've promised myself to go out and buy my school books, return these library books (and pay off the fine::p:), and probably go shopping for something as well. As you do this more and more, you can add on, like promising to do two things and onward. You (and I;)) have to fight this restfulness, or what I like to call "hibernation mode", and go out and do some things. I can guess that, since we sit around all day, we have plenty of time to think about the bad things about ourselves and drag us down deeper into the abyss. By doing something, we don't give our brains an opportunity to do that. As for your problems, well, maybe you just need someone to talk you through them and confront them. I'd like to help, but I'm only an amateur in stuff like Psychology (if you trust me, you can still talk to me about your problems though). Is there any advisor or counselor or just someone you trust that you can talk to?


Well-known member
Have you tried going out to exercise? That seems to be able lift up people's spirits. Since you spent today resting (I assume), why don't you make up for it tomorrow by getting at least one thing done, make that your goal. Like, for me, since I did the same thing you did, tomorrow, I've promised myself to go out and buy my school books, return these library books (and pay off the fine::p:), and probably go shopping for something as well. As you do this more and more, you can add on, like promising to do two things and onward. You (and I;)) have to fight this restfulness, or what I like to call "hibernation mode", and go out and do some things. I can guess that, since we sit around all day, we have plenty of time to think about the bad things about ourselves and drag us down deeper into the abyss. By doing something, we don't give our brains an opportunity to do that. As for your problems, well, maybe you just need someone to talk you through them and confront them. I'd like to help, but I'm only an amateur in stuff like Psychology (if you trust me, you can still talk to me about your problems though). Is there any advisor or counselor or just someone you trust that you can talk to?

I'm not much for exercise lol Yea I've been doing that for the last few days but I am gonna go out tomorrow and try to do something even if its just walking the dog haha. Wow sounds like you've got a lot to do tomorrow! Good luck :] Yea I know its just hard getting the motivation and energy lol. "Hibernation mode" Perfect way to describe it!! And described exactly what goes on when sitting around all day but I've gotten better at distracting myself at home so at least I don't have to worry about finding something out of the house to do all the time which is a relief. I have a therapist I'm seeing (see her tuesday actually) and I have my mom to talk to. Thank-you I appreciate that! :] I probably won't because I'm awful at starting conversations lol But if you wanna write to me, get the conversation started so to speak I'd love to talk :]


Well-known member
Keep your head up, insanewoman. I agree with Deadman about does actually help me at times, too. I'm still here if you need to vent about anything. :)