Make sure you know exactly what you are doing by taking those drugs. They are extremely powerful and addictive substances that create physical dependencies and horrible withdrawal if you try to wean off of them. The companies that produce both of those drugs have been sued numerous times for ruining lives. Keep in mind that helping you with your anxiety is only a secondary motivation for drug companies (the main motivation is to MAKE MONEY). Just make sure that you do your research and understand the long term risks involved. I'd try to look into more natural remedies and lifestyle changes before turning to drugs, including CBT therapy, nutrition and exercise, breathing exercises, etc. I agree with Mikey, ultimately you want to develop your interests and gain confidence in certain it music, cooking, yoga, fishkeeping, anything. That gives you a way to calm down and release. I'm not saying that drugs can't help anyone, but those are very dangerous drugs at such a young age. I wish you the best.