I've always been intrigued by the idea of multiple intelligences. Basically, it's a theory stating that, instead of one general measurement of intelligence (like IQ), there are many types of intelligence that a person can have. With social anxiety, I think it's particularly important to remember that social skills only signify one type of intelligence, and that having a low interpersonal intelligence does not mean that we cannot develop that intelligence further, or enjoy a life rich in other types of intelligence. There is a lot of information on multiple intelligences online, and a lot of tests you can take to assess your own intelligences. I found this one that I like because at the end they give you ideas on how to further develop your strengths and weaknesses.
Multiple Intelligences -- Assessment
Predictably, my three highest were intrapersonal(self awareness), naturalistic, and linguistic intelligence, followed closely by spatial. My lowest score by far was in interpersonal intelligence, of course.
How did you score? And do you agree with the theory of multiple intelligences?
Multiple Intelligences -- Assessment
Predictably, my three highest were intrapersonal(self awareness), naturalistic, and linguistic intelligence, followed closely by spatial. My lowest score by far was in interpersonal intelligence, of course.
How did you score? And do you agree with the theory of multiple intelligences?