Multiple Intelligences


Well-known member
I've always been intrigued by the idea of multiple intelligences. Basically, it's a theory stating that, instead of one general measurement of intelligence (like IQ), there are many types of intelligence that a person can have. With social anxiety, I think it's particularly important to remember that social skills only signify one type of intelligence, and that having a low interpersonal intelligence does not mean that we cannot develop that intelligence further, or enjoy a life rich in other types of intelligence. There is a lot of information on multiple intelligences online, and a lot of tests you can take to assess your own intelligences. I found this one that I like because at the end they give you ideas on how to further develop your strengths and weaknesses.

Multiple Intelligences -- Assessment

Predictably, my three highest were intrapersonal(self awareness), naturalistic, and linguistic intelligence, followed closely by spatial. My lowest score by far was in interpersonal intelligence, of course.

How did you score? And do you agree with the theory of multiple intelligences?


Well-known member
Fairly inconclusive results:

(Top 3)
logic/math: 3.43
self: 3.43
language: 3.14

(Other 5)
social: 2.86
nature: 2.71
body movement: 2.43
musical: 2.29
spatial: 2.14

I think the most common problem is basing these tests in the assumption that one likes what they are good at and one is good at what they like.
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Well-known member
This is really interesting. I honestly never would've gave it a thought, multiple intelligences. Makes sense though.

Here's what I got.

Your top three intelligences:

: You are sensitive to nature and environment. You probably know the names of rocks, flowers, birds, and trees. You love to be outdoors.

: You enjoy enjoy saying, hearing, and seeing words. You like telling stories. You are motivated by books, records, dramas, opportunities for writing. Effective techniques of enhancing your learning using your language intelligence include reading aloud, especially plays and poetry. Another idea is to write down reflections on what you've read. You may also enjoy exploring and developing your love of words, i.e., meanings of words, origin of words and idioms, names. Use different kinds of dictionaries.

: You have a very good sense of self. You like to spend time by yourself and think things over. You will often take in information from another person, mull it over by yourself, and come back to that person later to discuss it. You like working on projects on your own. You often prefer to learn by trial and error. Effective techniques to enhance your learning include keeping a journal and giving yourself time to reflect on new ideas and information.

Spatial was at a 3, too. My lowest was Math. I'm not surprised. ::p:

Edit: Comparison to my last scores from Phocas' thread (same thing)
Nature: 3.29
Self: 3.14
Language: 2.86
Social: 2.71
Musical: 2.14
Math: 1.71
Body: 1.57

Yeah, basically same results, except my top three here are lower.
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Well-known member
Highest - Spatial, logic/math, naturalist

Lowest - Interpersonal ― "blank"

And yeah, I agree with it.
Top three were logic/math and self at 4.29 and language at 3.43. I really thought spatial would make the top 3. I also thought social would have come in at less than 2.71.

As for the theory, well, strictly speaking, it isn't a theory. It's more of an abstraction, and it can't really be "wrong," it's just a different way of looking at things. Kind of a "feel-good", "everyone is inherently equal" way of looking at things, in my personal opinion.

Although I do wish they'd throw out the word "intelligence" until there is some agreed upon definition of what it means to be intelligent.


Well-known member
i scored highest in intrapersonal (4.43), followed by linguistic(3.86) then naturalist(3.43), then surprisingly interpersonal (3.29). i scored lowest on spacial (2) and logic/math (1.14). my results were very accurate.

i do believe we all have our strengths and weaknesses and even though we may not have talent in one area we usually have skills in another.
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Well-known member
Nature: You are sensitive to nature and environment. You probably know the names of rocks, flowers, birds, and trees. You love to be outdoors. Here are some ways to use your nature intelligence in your learning:

True I love enjoying nature.

Self: You have a very good sense of self. You like to spend time by yourself and think things over. You will often take in information from another person, mull it over by yourself, and come back to that person later to discuss it. You like working on projects on your own. You often prefer to learn by trial and error. Effective techniques to enhance your learning include keeping a journal and giving yourself time to reflect on new ideas and information. More ideas:


Social: You like to develop ideas and learn from other people. You like to talk. You have good social skills. Effective techniques of enhancing your learning using your social intelligence include taking part in group discussions or discussing a topic one-to-one with another person. Find ways to build reading and writing exercises into your group activities, such as:

Let's see...I do not like to talk much and when the word group popped up on the screen I felt my heart and throat drop . I do like discussing all kind of topics with people but I am very careful who it is with. My social skills kick rocks.

Mostly accurate.


And the results are in. 'Social' was my top score-this makes sense considering I am an 'extrovert' introvert- outgoing in my job and love teaching and giving speeches, but I spend my personal time on my own and prefer peace and quiet, reading, working on computer, nature, art museums etc


Social: You like to develop ideas and learn from other people. You like to talk. You have good social skills. Effective techniques of enhancing your learning using your social intelligence include taking part in group discussions or discussing a topic one-to-one with another person. Find ways to build reading and writing exercises into your group activities, such as:

Reading a dialogue or a play with other people

Doing team learning/investigating projects

Setting up interview questions and interviewing your family, and writing down the interview

Writing notes to another instead of talking.


Self: You have a very good sense of self. You like to spend time by yourself and think things over. You will often take in information from another person, mull it over by yourself, and come back to that person later to discuss it. You like working on projects on your own. You often prefer to learn by trial and error. Effective techniques to enhance your learning include keeping a journal and giving yourself time to reflect on new ideas and information. More ideas:

Go on "guided imagery" tours.

Set aside time to reflect on new ideas and information.

Encourage journal writing.

Work on the computer.

Practice breathing for relaxation.

Use brainstorming methods before reading.

Listen to and read "how to" tapes and books.

Read cookbooks.


Nature: You are sensitive to nature and environment. You probably know the names of rocks, flowers, birds, and trees. You love to be outdoors. Here are some ways to use your nature intelligence in your learning:

Work in the garden.

Read about plants and/or animals.

Study habits of fish or birds.

Read nature magazines.

Go hiking. Take photographs of what you find on your hike. Write a story describing the photographs.


Well-known member
spatial - 5 (but i don't feel spatial)
nature - 3.71
body movement - 3.43

language - 3.29
self - 3.29
social - 3.29
musical - 2.57
logic/math - 2.14 (isn't that pie?)
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Well-known member
seems about right

logic/math 4
language 4
nature 3.71

self 3.29
musical 3
social 2.86
spatial 2.29
body 1.86
Spatial 3.86
Logic/Math 3.14
Self 3.14

Language 2.71
Musical 2.14
Nature 2.14
Body movement 1.71
Social 1.71

I think that for me Logic/Math and language should had bigger numbers, the test seemed to rate them according how much you enjoy doing things and not how good are you doing them. So that could get biased when you don't enjoy things at the level you should for being worried about other things.


Well-known member
Musical - 4.86

Self - 4.29

Nature - 3.86

body movement - 3.71
social - 3.43
spatial - 3.29
language - 2.86
math - 1.86
7 eyes

Self- 3.71

Social- 3.43

Nature- 2.86

I'm not good in self and social so I don't know what this is. I'm not good in any of it really :p.

razzle dazzle rose

Well-known member
My top three: Language, Nature, Self

Math/Logic is at the bottom...I absolutely hate numbers and hate ranking things in numbers, equations and all that.

After taking this test, I want to look into hiking. I have not tried it and it does look like something I'd enjoy.
Nice little test :) Seems true enough for me.

Logic/math 4.14
Body Movement 3.57
Nature 3.57

Self 3.29
Social 3
Language 2.71
Musical 2.71
Spatial 2.57


Well-known member
My top three: Language, Nature, Self

Math/Logic is at the bottom...I absolutely hate numbers and hate ranking things in numbers, equations and all that.

After taking this test, I want to look into hiking. I have not tried it and it does look like something I'd enjoy.

You've never been hiking? I may just have to fly to California and show you how it's done. ::p:


Well-known member
My top three are Musical, Nature and Language. I'd say it's pretty accurate since I enjoy/appreciate all three. :)


Well-known member
Thank you for posting this! I have always believed in this strongly and I liked this test. My three highest were Spatial (4.71), Musical (4.43), and Language (4.14), respectively. But naturalistic (4.14) tied with Language for me, so I don't know if that means I have four.

Like you, social was last for me. Lol.
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