Most common reason for a break up


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The need for alone time just to recharge. I just never really had a bf who understood that and just thought i was depressed and broke it off :( i admit, i probably spend an unhealthy amount of time alone though :p >.> I'm dependable if I say I will do something out of my comfort zone (wow i never used that term until now), even though it's rare. At least now i see a best friend friend once or every two weeks even tho it's the same ones. It's been an improvement. I'm just never gonna be super social because it's super draining. Also i'm not a great communicator in general. Sometimes I pretend to understand what someone is saying when I don't lol.


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"I need to cut out the things in my life that are holding me back"

"you've got to leave, my husband will be home any minute"

"time is up, leave the money on the dresser"


Well-known member
Many many years ago, a guy I dated for a short while broke up with me and naturally I asked why. The response was, "because you're Asian." :eek:

I'm half Asian and half Caucasian by the way, but I guess for him I wasn't Caucasian enough. Such a lame excuse. Not even mildly creative.
That's really stupid. I'm sorry you had to go through it.


Well-known member
- i'm too boring
- i didn't ask him enough questions
- i'm not as fun and amazing as his ex
- i wouldn't have sex with him
- it's just not going to work out


Super Moderator
Uh... I am not really sure if those break ups were my fault, honestly. Because they had really idiotic reasons to dump me.

My first boyfriend's story, let's see... He pretty much knew I was a troubled person, but he never seemed to mind that, he was with me for about a year and half. He was troubled as well, he talked about suicide very often.
One day, due to many stressful situations happening at once, I had a pretty severe breakdown. The day after, he started to treat me coldly, he said he didn't want me to call him, emails only and only if it was very necesary. He was like this for a while until one day I called him to see what the hell was wrong. He reacted as if he was making fun of me and was like "uh... why did you call me...?". Then, I don't remember how long after that, he dumped me under the excuse "I can't put up with all your problems". I found that to be very unfair, considering he would make me freak out all the time with his suicide thoughts and self injury, and I've always been there for him when he'd do so. I only had ONE bad breakdown in one f*cking year and half and he had the brilliant idea to just flush the whole relationship down the toilet. Yeah... no.
I am happy he dumped me, though. He wasn't a very good person. He's always been unfair and uncaring to me. Ugh... I don't even know why I didn't dump him myself on the first place.

Anyway... My second "boyfriend". Between " " because I don't know if that was even a relationship. I met him shortly after my first one broke up with me. Oh coincidence, he got dumped too by his girlfriend not too long ago. We started to talk, he gave me his phone number, he seemed nice, we got together.
Now things started to get strange. This guy had a list of weird ass fetishes and was rather pervy. He'd want me to partake in that, and I'd obviously decline his many invitations. He'd keep insisting though. Right when he appeared, the first thing he would do instead of "hello, how are you?" was "-unbuttons your pants-", which was HIGHLY annoying. We rarely had a serious conversation anymore.
Another strange thing happened after a while. The guy started to avoid me. He would log off when I logged in, or if I caught him for a bit, he'd go "oh sorry, I have to go because of -insert excuse-". This behavior lasted months.
One day, on Valentines day, I finally got him to talk to me and admit he was avoiding me. In that moment, he thought it was a good idea to just tell me he was not my boyfriend. I asked why, he made up excuses from "your lifestyle goes against my religion" to "my mom told me to break up" and "I was feeling empty because my girlfriend dumped me". I will never know the real reasons behind his stupidity, but it really bothered me that he couldn't tell me beforehand that he wasn't prepared for another relationship.
Again, I am happy I didn't end up with this person. He was f*cking weird... I should have dumped him right when he started to get annoying with his fetishes. I feel dumb for not doing so.


Super Moderator
- i'm too boring
- i didn't ask him enough questions
- i'm not as fun and amazing as his ex
- i wouldn't have sex with him
- it's just not going to work out

Then he was worthless. Those are stupid reasons for breaking up. If his ex was so amazing, perhaps he should have kept her.

The sex part is really stupid too. If someone dumps you only because you don't want to have sex, they don't care about you at all. End of the story.


Well-known member
I never dated. However, I noticed why other people break up. Usually because they are bored.

from experience i can tell you that what might appear, from the outside, to go on between two people in a relationship is seldom what really is going on between the actual people involved


Well-known member
from experience i can tell you that what might appear, from the outside, to go on between two people in a relationship is seldom what really is going on between the actual people involved

It's what people tell me. :/ I'll accept it as it is.


Well-known member
What would you call them then?

I totally missed this on accident.

I would call them reasonable reasons. If someone wants someone who is outgoing and energetic, breaking up with or not even considering someone who is too shy is not a stupid reason... it is a reasonable reasons. The majority of the things you listed are a matter of taste.

- Too shy (apparently)- As I mentioned above. Some people want that outgoing bubbly personally and can't really get any pleasure (emotionally) from someone who is shy, especially someone who is VERY shy.

- Didn't get along with their friends- I want someone who gets along with my friends. Anyone who is a jerk to my friends is going to get a kick in the arse straight to the curb. Someone who can't even get along with them civilly, same thing.

- Too courteous-I want someone who doesn't let people walk all over them. Letting someone be rude to you and not sticking up for yourself or letting someone take advantage of a situation or someone and not saying anything to "keep the peace" is not something I'd like in a guy.

The money things are kind of dumb because some girls are just superficial. But if that is what they want, that is what they want. It isn't really stupid to want lots of money and to want to date someone who makes a lot. Not really my cup of tea to judge someone based on income, but not going to slam those that do.

Also the "it's not you, it's me" thing 150% described my situation with the last guy I dated. He was a nice guy, we got along great but mentally I just could not handle it. I had/have way too many problems that I couldn't deal with it and I had to break it off. I realized he deserved a lot better than what I could give him, I had to let him go... not because of him but because of me. So it was me, not him.
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Well-known member
My sister broke up with most of her boyfriends because they either beat her or cheated on her constantly and made her feel like crap.

The one boy she dated who was actually very decent, had a complex because she made 3x more than he did annually-- and having her make more money than him, pay more of the bills, pay for their dates; although she didn't have a problem with it and never even mentioned it, he hated that he wasn't the 'breadwinner' and made a big scene constantly and eventually tried to convince her to quit her corporate job and work somewhere 'less' so that he could be making more than her.

Her baby daddy is a musician. He broke up with her because he didn't want anything 'serious'.
Good luck with that, papa bear!


The majority of the things you listed are a matter of taste.

Now you're just splitting hairs. I was going to counter all the points you mentioned in response to the original post, but then I realized - there is no real point - because most of what I (or anyone else) wrote - is merely a surface level understanding of the real context. However I can expand if you wish...
But yeah like I said. Stupid.

Any other stupid reasons for being dumped....or rather common reasons?
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My sister broke up with most of her boyfriends because they either beat her or cheated on her constantly and made her feel like crap.

The one boy she dated who was actually very decent, had a complex because she made 3x more than he did annually-- and having her make more money than him, pay more of the bills, pay for their dates; although she didn't have a problem with it and never even mentioned it, he hated that he wasn't the 'breadwinner' and made a big scene constantly and eventually tried to convince her to quit her corporate job and work somewhere 'less' so that he could be making more than her.

Good on her for dumping the dropkicks. The cheaters, the two timers and abusers. Ugh.
Also that decent guy - didn't seem to be particularly decent - if anything he was just manipulative and a crybaby. Lame.


Well-known member
I never got dump, but in my only relationship, which lasted a week. I told it was not her it was me and it was true, I have too many issues

I think that money and getting bored are the main reasons people break up assuming there was no cheating.

I think that being boring is the number one reason why a girl would broke up with me, unless she likes the same stuff as me
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