Might be worth a try: Everybody please write where you live


Well-known member
Northwestern Indiana, United States of America (not your typical American). Also I am Sicilian, South Korean, Irish, German, Polish, Native American (Iroquois), and just a plan old mutt. So hello everyone and it does help to see other problems to relate to yourself so you can find people that understand you.


Well-known member
Wow, everyone lives so far away.....I'm in the U.S......Michigan to be more exact.
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Good idea, but this topic ultimately serves no purpose. No one is going to meet. You can see where everyone lives right under their name under location.


Well-known member
Good idea, but this topic ultimately serves no purpose. No one is going to meet. You can see where everyone lives right under their name under location.

Not necessarily. My location is a joke. I actually live in Southern California. The story behind my location is that I was reading through an internet article that listed countries with the funniest city names and thought "Cockburn, Australia" was one of the most hilarious ones. Hopefully that isn't offensive to anyone actually from/living in Australia. If it is, please let me know.