Light or Dark

This is going to sound funny but somehow my anxiety is greater in the light.
That is when the sun is out. Sort of like in the light everybody can see me.

When it's dark out, no sunshine, I feel relaxed.

Funny isn't it.
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Silvox Black

Well-known member
The darkness has always been more of a home for me than the light. Darkness can hide that which you wish to keep hidden.


Well-known member
Me toooo! I feel so much more comfortable at night or in low lit places because i feel if i blush it's much less un-noticable. I hate going to my GP because the light is sooo bright! i feel so exposed like am naked or something lol!


Well-known member
I agree, but I do like the light. I just wish I could be in it and feel comfortable. But I don't at all. Lighting is a big deal for me - I don't like to be seen out of dim lighting.

But then again, maybe our preference to dark is something that is also keeping our moods down? Not letting the serotonin do it's thing!
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Well-known member
You say that is funny. What is funny, is that I was just saying that to myself last night when I was looking out the window. I love how it's dark and calm out (usually in spring and summer). Even if there are people around, I still feel calm because you can still see a figure but you aren't fully revealed. But when it's nice and sunny, well I like that but, I probably wouldn't be much in a good mood as I would be in the night.
The key word for me is "exposed". In the sun I feel exposed and hence cannot relax.
It's stupid really, if you ask me.
Hence this and my HH makes summer not a favorable season for me.
The rest of the world enjoys the life of summer and I do not.
It truely sucks.


Super Moderator
I hate sunlight, I prefer the night over the day. Although, I don't mind the day much if it's cloudy/stormy.


I actually prefer the day. Which is why I hate it when I'm up all night because I know I'll sleep the day away. Besides the streets aren't exactly safe when it's dark.


Active member
There's definitely a positive correlation between sunlight and my good moods. But I prefer running in the dark - it's easier to focus. Gray days are just depressing for me.

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
yeah, i think it has to do with sensory overload, if you have an anxiety disorder i imagine it means you're easily over stimulated by light, sound, people anything. i know i cant handle lots of bright lights, loud noises, heavy smells, you name it


Well-known member
I prefer the the light better. Daytime over nighttime, bright lights over dim. Rooms feel bigger when they are brightly lit. Even if they are full of people it seems less crowded when it's brighter.
I'm sort of mixed on this. In the daytime my mood is better and it feels less lonely- I definitely love the summer when it's hot out and the daylight lasts longer, winter is absolutely depressing. But I also like night- I'm able to just relax and have time to do whatever. It depends on a lot of things though, like how my day went, who I'm with (if anyone) and where I am... when I'm at home, I like it, but I can feel a bit lonely at night when my kids aren't with me.


I don't like walking outside at night, bunch of crazies out at that time. I feel safer in the light and even safer in my room all alone.


New member
I feel exposed in the sunlight too. I'm also very sensitive to bright lights, so I prefer to stay indoors when there's too much sun. I don't like the dark either, it makes me feel depressed. I prefer cloudy days, because that's when I have the least anxiety.