Light or Dark

I like rainy days the best, because the day it is only half light. I don't feel safe in the dark at night only because I live alone.
I don't like being in the sunlight because it makes me appear even more pale then I already am.


Well-known member
Opposite. I really hate nights because I feel fright and fear. I love sunshine that is the time when I feel most satisfied.


Well-known member
give me sunshine shorts flip flops gazza is a happy gazza , i find night times deppressing prob cos im stuck here all on my own ::eek:: awww its not that bad ::p:
well i prefer sunhine because i really like a sunny day ::p:
but i can agree when its dark outside i feel much better in public
because they cant see me that well
Yeah, as somone mentioned big rooms with a alot of light kick my anxiety in
a lot more then normal because I have this sensations that everybody can see me.
Just a few days ago I went to an electronics shop (TV, computers etc...)
and when I entered I could literlitatly feel my anxiety kick in. High roof, loads of wide open spaces
and bright lights on the insides. It made me uncomfortable and at that time I could
not figure out why.

This thread is my reflection of that day.