Know who your friends are?


Well-known member
Oh, my gosh, you guys. I am freaking losing touch with reality. ;). Not that that's necessarily a bad thing. Am I the only pesron who has trouble remembering that I'm not actual "friends" with SPW people in real life? I mean, don't get me wrong, I dig most of you but it get's a little pathetic when something funny happens and I'm like " Oh, I wish ?SnuggleGator'89? was here. He/She would love that." And then I have to remind myself that SnuggleGator'89 is not a real person and I have no clue whether he/she is a he or a she. HAHAHA. Anyone else have this problem?


Well-known member
Well I don't even have any online friends. I don't know how people manage to get friends online or in real life. I just don't know how to start a friendship


Well-known member
Anyone else have this problem?
Yes, but I only have (or maybe had) one real online friend. And recently I have realized lots of things... One thing is that my depression and expectations pushed her away. And another thing is that unless you meet in real life soon and regularly, or you share something concrete online, video chat regularly, play, exchange letters, whatever... etc... it's only going to be incomplete, "virtual", and it might end and prove to be a waste of time.
Online you can really meet the greatest people, you can meet real friends, best friends... but it has to "develop", it can just be "chatting" once a week.
I actually joined this forum for friends at first, but let's face it: online friendships are often even more complicated and fragile than real life relationships. That's why I said there should be more than just chatting, and share something or meet, whatever, anything that might make it seem more real. Otherwise, it's still virtual, and can't be really strong, objectively.
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Well-known member
Oh, my gosh, you guys. I am freaking losing touch with reality. ;). Not that that's necessarily a bad thing. Am I the only person who has trouble remembering that I'm not actual "friends" with SPW people in real life? I mean, don't get me wrong, I dig most of you but it get's a little pathetic when something funny happens and I'm like " Oh, I wish ?SnuggleGator'89? was here. He/She would love that." And then I have to remind myself that SnuggleGator'89 is not a real person and I have no clue whether he/she is a he or a she. HAHAHA. Anyone else have this problem?

Lol. Dude, I wouldn't worry about this too much. It's not much of a problem. At least you're interacting with someone. There's nothing wrong with on line friends. Hey, for the most part, I don't have to put up with the unpleasant shit that comes with knowing people and being around them and you all don't have to put up with the unpleasantness that comes with knowing me in real life. ;) For the most part, you get to see the mostly pleasant side of me. Chances are, you won't like my other side. :)


Well-known member
Well I don't even have any online friends. I don't know how people manage to get friends online or in real life. I just don't know how to start a friendship

ditto. I have the same problem online as I do in real life - I can get people to think I'm a nice person, but not somebody awesome enough to want to spend a lot of time with outside of the occasional thread or class or work.

I think it's really nice and not a problem at all that you have those thoughts (wanting a member to share a moment with you) every now and then, as long as you're not letting online buddies interfere with trying to beat SA in the real world. It just means you're socializing with someone, which isn't a bad thing. Baby steps....


Well-known member
I feel pretty dissillusioned with the whole online friendship thing, i mean it would be nice to actually hear the person's voice, but i suppose it's better than not having any kind of friend.

I've met one online friend but not from social phobia sites, and it was so nice to meet in person.


Well-known member
I have and still do consider some online friends REAL friends. When I'm out doing things I often think about some of them and wish they were with me. I don't think that's weird or lame or anything. I think it's really hurtful when people i chat to online say things like 'i dont have any friends, just people i talk to online sometimes'... which doesnt exactly sound like someone who really cares about the people they talk to.

The way I look at it is that if I can actually find people online who I love talking to and who have common interests as me.. I'm really going to cherish it I guess cause most likely I wont find that in real life. But I'm starting to not trust people online anymore. People online just arent reliable and can leave whenever they want. And I guess most don't care about online friendship like I do.
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Well-known member
It sort of does make a difference though because I'll be out with my "flesh and blood friends" and I'll get this urge to phone prettypossum or something to see if she wants to come with us and then I'll get this jolt when I realise that she will have to drive across the Indian Ocean and might not make it in time.


Well-known member
I'm just not great at friendships i think, for example with offline friends that i've known for years i don't get that much of an urge to see them unless it's been a couple of weeks but then again they're not always doing something that i enjoy. I'd prefer to just hang out with them than go to a club or something, best scenario is going over to their house with some alcholol and just watch dvds or something, that's why i kinda wish i grew up in a town where you could walk down the road to a friends and sit around and be retards.

I would definitely like to meet my online friends though but they're generally on a different continent. I'm not particularly good at keeping up to date with them Hm yah so pretty shit with that