Kia, it's clear from your responses in this thread that you're feeling quite a bit worse than I've seen you on here. I wouldn't normally recommend psychiatrists as I find medication a poor fix and all the CBT/ACT/whatever therapy in the world won't help some people. But I think it should be recommended to you as long as it's talking therapy, as I think you need to just talk all of this out to help yourself get your mind around it and you're going to have difficulty finding people in the general population who will be understanding enough. At least with a psychiatrist they've been trained and are being paid to be understanding.
I haven't had a girlfriend for 9 years. Had a ton of one night stands and flings etc but who cares about that?
Right. OK - so we have established that females make the rules. Now I have another question - why do females make the rules? What is it exactly that gives women all the power?
Exactly, because only huge bastards get women. You've figured it out. Congratulations.
There's the victim mentality again, it's either black or white, no grey area.
Will respond to coyote later and my thoughts on that. I have been thinking about this and have spoken to people outside of the forum on their thoughts on the matter (with real actual women!
I have a date on wednesday btw.
You make 3000 posts on a mental health forum and start thread such as this. What are we supposed to think? That you are fine and just badly done to? C'mon mate pull the other one. I know me and most of the other members here are present because we have MH problems. Are you denying you are unwell and that it is society to blame? I think you need to do some honest soul searching and find the root, when I was your age I lived in denial and it made oh so very angry, infact furious at the world!
I too tried the amateur shrink route, it wasn't until I stamped my feet a bit and got a real professional that I got finally diagnosed with Pure O, SAD and PTSD.
Interesting that your dating history was so very similar to mine in my 20/30's I ended up going celibate for almost 10 years and concentrated on sorting my head out.
I have a date on wednesday btw. thing i do want to ask remus though is how big of an impact do you think seeking professional help achieve? the reason i ask is that i too have gone to the amateur shrink, but have never felt the need to get my condition professionally diagnosed, but would seriously consider it now. My Q is, was this step a beneficial one in your life? or what do you think its achieved. i just wonder the emotions you have to go through pouring your heart out to a M.D in order to get reffered to a proper shrink, is it worth all the turmoil?
do you have a video function on your phone?
I agree with this. I haven't met Kia in real life but somehow I do feel he's a great and happy-go-lucky person.To everyone: I've met Kia in real life and he is far happier and free-flowing than the bag of helplessness that we're seeing on this forum.